The Duck Thread





I want one!
I have a 1 rooster, 5 duck hens, and 2 drakes... as of now there getting along really well they hang out together all day long and Sherbet my rooster watches over them and crows whenever he hears anything. My rooster and one of my drakes is about 9 months old and all the rest are 11 months old.

I was never planning on getting a chicken but he kind of fell in to our lives and we fell in love with him... So my husband was driving down the road last year and saw a really cool little bird on the side of the road... he had an eagle looking head but was small... when he passed him he had realized that he was a chick. so he stopped and got out of the truck and Sherbet the chick ran to him. he looked around to see if there were more chicks but there wasn't so he picked him up and put him in his truck and sherbet just ate crumbs off the floor and hung out with him for the rest of the day while my husband worked. He found him in an industrial area where there was no houses and no farms. So were not really sure how he got there. We think maybe someone dumped him there because later we found out that he's a sex-link (golden commit.)

Mating season is coming soon though and I worry that so many boys will hurt or kill my girls... I love them all so much... So my rooster is boss and he heard's them all where he wants them. Sometimes he'll chase one of my hens down and jump on them to mate. My older drake will run over there when he's on her and hold her head down. Last year my males and females mated in the pond but it didn't seem bad. but I've heard that they get pretty aggressive during mating season. I have 1 Cayuga drake, 2 Cayuga hens, 3 Swedish hens, 1 mallard/Pekin mix drake. if that helps. As of now they all seem happy.

I don't want any chickens because i like my grass... does any one have experience with a mixed flock and then also what should i do about my female to male ratio or am I OK with what I have since i haven't had any problems? My problem is every bird I take home i fall in love with and want to keep so if I somehow end up with another male I'm going to have to buy a farm lol and i cant right now. I have been thinking about getting a welsh Harlequin or a Anicona if i can get my hands on one.
@haileebucket Start watching craigslist you might find a few more female ducks for your drakes. The ratio should be 3 and up females per drake. I wouldn't worry about your rooster mating with your ducks since roosters mate hens by just touching the vent area. So he is just going through the motions but drakes can sure be hard on the female ducks, reason for getting as many female ducks as you can support.

I have ducks, chickens and geese.

Also go to "where am I where are you" here on BYC look up you state and see if any one in your area might have a few females they'd like to part with.

Beautiful flock
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I have a 1 rooster, 5 duck hens, and 2 drakes... as of now there getting along really well they hang out together all day long and Sherbet my rooster watches over them and crows whenever he hears anything. My rooster and one of my drakes is about 9 months old and all the rest are 11 months old. I was never planning on getting a chicken but he kind of fell in to our lives and we fell in love with him... So my husband was driving down the road last year and saw a really cool little bird on the side of the road... he had an eagle looking head but was small... when he passed him he had realized that he was a chick. so he stopped and got out of the truck and Sherbet the chick ran to him. he looked around to see if there were more chicks but there wasn't so he picked him up and put him in his truck and sherbet just ate crumbs off the floor and hung out with him for the rest of the day while my husband worked. He found him in an industrial area where there was no houses and no farms. So were not really sure how he got there. We think maybe someone dumped him there because later we found out that he's a sex-link (golden commit.) Mating season is coming soon though and I worry that so many boys will hurt or kill my girls... I love them all so much... So my rooster is boss and he heard's them all where he wants them. Sometimes he'll chase one of my hens down and jump on them to mate. My older drake will run over there when he's on her and hold her head down. Last year my males and females mated in the pond but it didn't seem bad. but I've heard that they get pretty aggressive during mating season. I have 1 Cayuga drake, 2 Cayuga hens, 3 Swedish hens, 1 mallard/Pekin mix drake. if that helps. As of now they all seem happy. I don't want any chickens because i like my grass... does any one have experience with a mixed flock and then also what should i do about my female to male ratio or am I OK with what I have since i haven't had any problems? My problem is every bird I take home i fall in love with and want to keep so if I somehow end up with another male I'm going to have to buy a farm lol and i cant right now. I have been thinking about getting a welsh Harlequin or a Anicona if i can get my hands on one.
Two species of BURD in that enclosure. Cute.
My Pekin duck has a hole in the under side of her foot (not the webbing) there is a swelling around the area about the size of a dime. The little hole looked like it might be a sticker, she was limping a good bit. I soaked her foot in Epsom salts for about 30 minutes and looked at it again. It looked cleaner but no better. Since I thought it might be a sticker, I used a needle and tried to get it out (can't believe she sat still for this!!), I got a little puss out but not enough to count for the amount of swelling and the dark spot was still there. I soaked the foot again and put Neosporin on it (the non pain killer type) and put a bandaid on it. I'll check it again tomorrow.

My husband thinks that it needs to be lanced, but I'm not so sure. Any advice?

I really laughed at myself, putting a BANDAID on a duck's foot!

Thanks in advance!

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