The DUMBEST thing I've ever heard somebody say about Chickens...READ!

As for the old question of where does food come from, we had a customer come into our business once who worked in a Federal Prison overseeing inmates who worked in the dining area. One day he asked one of the 'bad boys' where he thought food came from. The man's honest answer, from the store. Well, where does the store get the food? The guard asked. Why from the back of the store of course, was the response.
I think this is WHY he was in a cage, the dude wasn't bright enough to live honest (either because of ethics or the knowledge he wasn't bright enough to get away with a life of crime). I am 99 percent on the ethic side the very few times I'm tempted to do wrong I know likely the authorities would know I have had a beef with that person, and I know by TV trace evidence is my worst enemy.
I've heard the 'where does food come from' conversation more times than I care to count. Some people are just...ugh.

I've have several people actually argue with me that one needs a rooster in order for a hen to lay eggs.

I also had one woman refuse to eat any colored egg except for brown eggs because she was convinced that the eggshell color determines the taste.

The most bizarre one though was when I was selling bantam chicks last spring, I had a lady ask me if I had any PINK Silkies. Because apparently when she was living in Southern California, there were always pink, blue, and green baby chickens at the Easter egg hunt in the town she had lived and she really, really wanted some now that she lived in an area that allowed chickens in city limits. Took me a while to make her understand that chickens (and bunnies) don't actually exist in such colors and are only dyed that way.
I've heard the 'where does food come from' conversation more times than I care to count. Some people are just...ugh.

I've have several people actually argue with me that one needs a rooster in order for a hen to lay eggs.

I also had one woman refuse to eat any colored egg except for brown eggs because she was convinced that the eggshell color determines the taste.

The most bizarre one though was when I was selling bantam chicks last spring, I had a lady ask me if I had any PINK Silkies. Because apparently when she was living in Southern California, there were always pink, blue, and green baby chickens at the Easter egg hunt in the town she had lived and she really, really wanted some now that she lived in an area that allowed chickens in city limits. Took me a while to make her understand that chickens (and bunnies) don't actually exist in such colors and are only dyed that way.
I'm sure you heard dumb blonde jokes? there is one that's not so offensive I wonder if that woman could have applied to her. did you hear so and so is a suicidal blonde? yes she's dyed by her own hand....
I dislike 'dumb blonde' jokes immensely as I myself am a natural blonde and have found myself the punchline of these 'jokes' more times than I care to count. So much so that I colored my hair and haven't gone back to my natural color now in several years.

That said, this woman was certainly no blonde. She appeared to have Latino ancestry is my best guess as she had dark skin and dark hair. You'll find dumb people everywhere, regardless of what they look like.
I dislike 'dumb blonde' jokes immensely as I myself am a natural blonde and have found myself the punchline of these 'jokes' more times than I care to count. So much so that I colored my hair and haven't gone back to my natural color now in several years.

That said, this woman was certainly no blonde. She appeared to have Latino ancestry is my best guess as she had dark skin and dark hair. You'll find dumb people everywhere, regardless of what they look like.
I'm, sorry I offended you but you understand the point of that joke was just like the person you met is stupid, the joke was about a blonde out of a bottle, meaning not a true blonde (like you stated, all hair colored people and hairless people can be stupid) that was what I meant by the joke, it was someone stupid posing as a dumb blonde, not that all blondes are stupid. I know better than that. I've got a whole bunch of blood relatives 99% are brunettes and are so stupid they should hope and pray to be as smart as the jokes imply of the stupidity of those they are about.
I'm not really offended. Just making a statement is all. It does astound me though just how stupid people can be. Common sense sadly is not so common anymore.

On the upside, at least we, the more intelligent people, can poke fun at those who say/ask dumb things and have a laugh at their expense. Like the lady who wanted a pink chicken.
Bahhahaahaha omg I thought my friend the other day was a little dumb on the subject but this takes the cake. She thought for hens to have eggs there needs to be a rooster and all eggs are fertilised. I had to tell her that chickens lay eggs regardless and only if there’s a rooster will there possibly be babies :lau
Revan. it seams some of the jokes that are told that describe stupid people, may be from a different geographical area in the same country, some from different backgrounds /race /whatever and I understand that is wrong, but some are about stupid people in general, in the early 1900's apparently that was a common form of humor was the generic stupid person jokes called "little moron" jokes. I was told that by a family member they never told me any of those jokes, I think that would be a better form of humor because at that point it could literally be anyone anywhere....
Heard a story once ( not funny) about a woman who visited a farm and took home a hen that had a brood of new chicks. She fell in love at first sight with them.
A week later she returned to the farm mad as a hornet as the chicks had all died and they must have been sick when she got them. Come to find out she had not fed or watered them as she thought the hen had mammary glands....
I told you it was a sad story!
Why dont people read a book about there new project or hobby before jumping in to it?

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