The DUMBEST thing I've ever heard somebody say about Chickens...READ!

I have a neighbor living across the road from me he's a retired high school English teacher. and he wanted me to explain what my store bought no trespassing signs meant. I knew he wanted to start a fight. I just replied your a retired English teacher, what do you think they mean? It made him madder, I just repeated it every time he asked and he finally gave up and marched off, and said something to the effect pf so you won't tell me what they mean huh? I thought he ought to know getting a 4 year degree to be an English (his native language) teacher plus getting more c;asses every year to keep up his teaching license.
So...not sure about stupid, but definitely greedy.

I sold some fertile eggs to a gal. I've actually had dealings with her before, and wasn't particularly fond of how she cares for her chickens, and I won't sell her chicks any more since she tends to 'lose' them, but I decided, what's the harm in selling her eggs? I honestly didn't expect her to be able to hatch them. So I sold her a dozen.

Things apparently went well because she messaged me that 8 of the dozen had hatched. Cool. it was the last I heard from her for awhile.

Until recently.

She wants a REFUND because apparently some of the chicks she hatched (she didn't say how many) turned out to be boys. She told me she can only have hens in town. Oookay... I don't sex my birds. I certainly have no control over their gender before they are even an embryo in the egg. The dozen eggs literally cost her only $5. Anyone who knows what fertile eggs sell for online, that's a steal!

She told me if I don't refund her she'll tell her friends and family not to buy from me. I told her to go ahead. I plan to move out of the state this year anyway. Won't bother me any.
I wonder if there's a thread or something similar on facebook written by city people talking about all the incorrect coments that country people make.

I know there'd be some about me on there :lol:

I was about 8-9 I went on an escalator for the first time. After I got over my fear of highs I rid up and down it for probably 10mins. That same day I walked through those circular door things over and over because I'd never seen them before in real life :lau
Alright everybody. Brace yourselves. The other day I was selling some eggs to a lady.She asked and said some of the stupidest things EVER! Here goes.
When I was showing her my chickens she asks
Why is that one black and that one brown?
Can that duck humb the chicken and make a "chuck"?
Why do they have red things on their faces?
Can they fly up to the trees?
Why do they have 4 toes instead of 5?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later when I gave her the eggs, she shocked me with the questions she asked. she said...
OK, I don't want my fridge to be crawling with 12 chicks. What can I do so they won't hatch? I said, -chuckling-Well what makes you think they will hatch? She said. Well they are chicken eggs right? Chicken eggs hatch? I told her that i have no rooster so there is no way they can hatch. She then said that all eggs layed by birds that people raise hatch. Anyway, Then I told her that eggs from the store are from chickens and they don't hatch. Her jaw dropped to te floor. She said, I THOUGH HUMANS MADE THOSE EGGS BECAUSE THEY WERE WHITE!? I THOUGHT CHICKENS ONLY LAID BROWN EGGS! WOAH!......My brother than asked her,Are you sure you can even COOK these eggs? She said her husband would do it. Then she payed and left. Those 45 minutes made my day! I felt smart ^_^


It'd kind of funny and sad at the same time. Funny because this woman was completely clueless about this stuff. But sad because so many people don't know where their food comes from.

Oh my! That's insane, some people are just plain crazy! :barnie
The thing I'm consistently astounded by is how many American adults are going around thinking that chickens can only lay eggs if there is a rooster involved. Like literally 50% of the people who find out I have chickens think this.

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