The Earth worm race!!


8 Years
Jul 9, 2011
Blue Ridge, TX
We have been having tons of rain and the earth worms are all gathering in our driveway. We decided to give some to the chickens. As soon as my hubby dropped one in, a chicken grabbed it and off it ran, with everyone else in chase. We threw about 6 worms in, and they were ripping them apart, and chasing each other. They seem to have eaten them all!! What a fun rainy day activity for the chicks in the brooder, when they could not spend any time outside.
That's very cute! They do love a good treat. I find what's also pretty amusing to watch is just to dig in the spade and heave out a chunk of soil and give it to the chickens - beak aims for a spot that doesn't look in any way special to me, and out comes a worm... you'll be amazed at how many they can find in a block of dirt that looks to us like just a block of dirt. :lol:
This is so much fun to watch! I've been getting the garden together and ready for tilling. I have a pile of chicken litter that I've been letting sit and break down all winter to scatter across the garden before tilling it in. As I started to dig in to scatter it I found it was full of large worms. Im talking 20-30 in a shovel full. I threw a handful in the brooder and the race was on! Its such a great cycle for them to feed my garden with nitrogen and for me to fill their belly with protein goodness
How old do chicks have to be before we can feed them earthworms? I was thinking the other day it would be fun, but I don't think they are old enough. Our chicks are only 5 days old. We just put some chick grit in with their food today and also scattered it in the brooder for them to scratch for.

I would love to start giving them treats, but just not sure how soon we can start.

So as long as mine are getting chick grit to help them digest it we can have fun with earthworms??????
Yup, you should be okay! Even normal dirt or sand with the worms should be fine, as free range chickens get their grit from the earth anyway.

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