The Element War RP

Alright, Alright.

Raiden(isn't that how I spelled it?)(er) sat hidden in the shadows, a small flame dancing against the edge of his fingers.
she bite her tongue from cursing she lost him, again " Next time, i am going to stay at the inn for a week and not follow a bloody goose chase"

she had a cloak over her face, hiding what she looks, but her tone clearly said she was ticked
she remove her hood so she can get a better look around, her white-blondish hair was pulled into a fray pony tail, her Lavander eyes search for any marks of her prey, she sigh, she was tired and was about ready to pull out lunch
no, she is just biting her time, waiting and listening.

she, starts out of "boredom" to flick small blue balls of fire at the bushes nearby, getting close to Radien (SP)

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