The Element War RP

Age: 18
Appearance: greenish/blueish hair with black streaks, her eyes are brown but slightly glaze for she IS blind, 6 feet tall. she always go barefooted.
Personality: she acts prime and proper when need be, but under that she is stubborn, but kind, yet, when angered, she can whoop your but into next week.
Bender: Earth
Nation: Earth nation
Weapons: earth bending
pet: a white, Siberian tiger horse (is that okay?
) that is named Omashu. Omashu is 20 hands tall, with ice blue eyes. a gift to Kyoshi from a lower class royal family, she raised and broke Omashu to ride. Omashu eats meats, is extremely protective of his owner. i will draw him up tonight to give a idea what he looks like :D

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