The Element War RP

"I wouldn't hurt the bloody beast. You confused me. Why don't you just stick up for yourself."
"eh, try that in a royal family that politics are every thing, if you speak out of line you get in trouble, when i tried to i nearly lost Omashu" she sigh " i chose to be a silence rebel from then on, bending matches were one of the fews thing i did that i knew if my parents found out i would be so dead, that is why i did"
she cocked a brow "we better get leaving, i should get my stuff together, and make sure that omashu is feed good tonight, i do not want to ride a hungry tiger horse"
she got onto Omashu with ease and tapped him into a brisk trot

what was odd about this is that, tiger horse is hard to tame, very hard to bond with, but nearly impossible with a intact male, how she done it is unknow

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