The EMERGENCY Thread!!!

Hello! I think Ive seen this before but I forgot the treatment and what it is. My Mille Fleur, (not even a year) has bumps all over her comb, face and waddle, it has a bit on blood near the top. Im quite worried that my handicapped chicken, chicks, mother and the other chicken could get it. Photos below.

Ok. So no vet. The only chicken vet in our area is out until Tuesday so it's me! I'm going to attach picture of poop I found in her pen. She doesn't seem to have any distress breathing and she sings for anyone who comes near. But she won't move. Ideas?
She hasn't laid an egg yet - but she's due anytime. I just got the first egg from the flock today

have you checked her closely for mites or lice? The symptoms you describe can be that. Also could be cocci or worms. The part about her being thin could be any of the three. Can you get a poop pic on a solid flat surface? Paper towels or newspaper?

I checked her for mites and lice. She looks good in that respect. I changed out the pine shavings with paper towel. I did notice there was one brown solid poop in there mixed in with green. I'll post when she goes again

She did eat applesauce mixed with chicken broth and a drop of vet rx that I had. I basically just kept dipping her beak in it. She perked up a tiny bit during that - but only for a minute. i checked for bumble foot - that was fine. Her vent looked fine (?!? I don't know what I was looking for) she didn't show any outward signs of respiratory distress, eyes seemed alert. But she can't stand. She could move her legs when I was examining her - but not support weight. The legs looked in good condition though. Next steps?
I need help :/ when I went out this morning my roos comb (usually red) had turned yellow. it was not like this the day. At night it has been getting around -5 degrees. But he is in a coup. Could it be frostbite? The pics I looked up where black not yellow..
I need help :/ when I went out this morning my roos comb (usually red) had turned yellow. it was not like this the day. At night it has been getting around -5 degrees. But he is in a coup. Could it be frostbite? The pics I looked up where black not yellow..
Hello! I think Ive seen this before but I forgot the treatment and what it is. My Mille Fleur, (not even a year) has bumps all over her comb, face and waddle, it has a bit on blood near the top. Im quite worried that my handicapped chicken, chicks, mother and the other chicken could get it. Photos below.

Looks like dry fowl pox, but do check the inside of his mouth for yellow pus (wet pox). It's a virus, so there is no "treatment".

Quote: What type of food/treats do you feed?
How old is she?
Any swelling of the abdomen?

As suggested earlier a photo of the droppings on paper towels, hard surface,etc. will be helpful.

There can be many reasons why she has lost the use of her legs - injury, vitamin/nutritional deficiency, diseases like Marek's and reproductive/laying disorders are just a few.
Sometimes it's hard to determine the cause, so I'm glad you are able to get to a vet later in the week.

In the meantime, try to keep her hydrated, add some poultry vitamins to her water. Offer some wet feed - chick starter would be good since she hasn't started laying yet, you can also give egg, tuna, mackerel or meat.

Keep us posted on her progress.

I need help :/ when I went out this morning my roos comb (usually red) had turned yellow. it was not like this the day. At night it has been getting around -5 degrees. But he is in a coup. Could it be frostbite? The pics I looked up where black not yellow..
Hi @Elky
Can you post some photos of the comb?

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