The EMERGENCY Thread!!!


Swollen, Hot Hard Abdomen. Sorry. forgot photos.
egg bound? although laying hybrids can have many issues when they are over 2 years old. I think you are doing what you can. you can try to give her some yogurt for calcium and good bacteria.

good luck.
Yes, good idea. I have some kefir. I often give it to the chooks. The volume of fluid she is pooping is scary. I'm hoping that somehow the swelling is draining, but she looks so miserable,
Come to think of it, the fluid almost has the consistency of raw egg white. Maybe she is sort of egg bound after all?
​Yes, good idea. I have some kefir. I often give it to the chooks. The volume of fluid she is pooping is scary. I'm hoping that somehow the swelling is draining, but she looks so miserable,
Come to think of it, the fluid almost has the consistency of raw egg white. Maybe she is sort of egg bound after all?
how long has it been since she has laid an egg? Try giving her 1/2 a tums crushed in whatever she will eat, if she is egg bound calcium will help, so long as she is pooping that is good
New to hatching. This is my first. He's stuck to the white membrane. What do I do?
Sorry you have had no answers. How is your little one? I know there are many opinions on this, but if the chick is not for a show flock, I'd give it a hand. If it doesn't make it, at least you tried? Hope all is well!
Very swollen, Hard, Hot Abdomen UPDATE
Gave her Calcium/magnesium/zinc (only source of Calcium I had and apparently magnesium can help chooks pooh)
Still giving her colloidal silver 3 times a day.
Has shown interest in eating and definitely eaten some mash and seeds.
She tucked into a load of kefir (excellent source probiotic similar to live yoghurt)
She is drinking heaps - her water has added cider apple vinegar.
She has covered my living room floor with lakes of pooh.
She is looking more lively.
Now downstairs with the flock.
Moving slowly, but showing an interest.
Abdomen still very swollen but maybe not so hard. :(
He got out but lost a few feathers. I'm not sure he'll make it.
I'm sorry you are having trouble. Have you asked the folks on the incubating and hatching section for help? I would offer more advice, but I just really don't know.

Very swollen, Hard, Hot Abdomen UPDATE
Gave her Calcium/magnesium/zinc (only source of Calcium I had and apparently magnesium can help chooks pooh)
Still giving her colloidal silver 3 times a day.
Has shown interest in eating and definitely eaten some mash and seeds.
She tucked into a load of kefir (excellent source probiotic similar to live yoghurt)
She is drinking heaps - her water has added cider apple vinegar.
She has covered my living room floor with lakes of pooh.
She is looking more lively.
Now downstairs with the flock.
Moving slowly, but showing an interest.
Abdomen still very swollen but maybe not so hard. :(
It sounds like you are taking good care of her. A swollen hard abdomen can be an indication of internal laying/reproductive disorders like Peritonitis, Ascites, Salpingitis, cancer or tumors.
If it is fluid filled, some people have some success with draining the fluid to give some relief. For the other conditions, supportive care like you are doing is sometimes the best that you can do.

A vet can sometimes do an exam or x-ray to see if there are tumors/cancer and can usually rule out Peritonitis.
Peritonitis and internal egg laying issues:

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