The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Okay, I'm mad at Hector. He allowed a bloodbath to take place in his pen. Zara is the culprit and Maddie was the victim. Blood is EVERYWHERE, roost steps, walls, nest box, etc. Not sure who else joined in, but Zara had blood all over her beak. That was yesterday. And she and Wendy, who cannot get along with anyone, found themselves in the little coop alone.
Sorry to hear you got some fighting girls. Spring is arriving here too and birds are getting feisty. Hopefully it settles down for you.
Sorry to hear you got some fighting girls. Spring is arriving here too and birds are getting feisty. Hopefully it settles down for you.

Maybe that's all it is, longer days. I adore Zara, she's so funny and always talks to me, but she can be so mean to anyone under her. She is, however, scared of Wendy, as most of them are.
I was really ticked that Hector didn't intervene before blood was all over the place. Isaac would have. He set the bar very high and that would never happen in his group. He'd be all up in their faces. I think Hector got some popcorn and sat to watch the show. :rolleyes:
Maybe that's all it is, longer days. I adore Zara, she's so funny and always talks to me, but she can be so mean to anyone under her. She is, however, scared of Wendy, as most of them are.
I was really ticked that Hector didn't intervene before blood was all over the place. Isaac would have. He set the bar very high and that would never happen in his group. He'd be all up in their faces. I think Hector got some popcorn and sat to watch the show. :rolleyes:
Some roosters are better than others. I'm picturing Hector watching his girls mud wrestling, and enjoying himself.

Everything is getting squirrelly here with the increasing daylight, and warmth from the sun. Unfortunately with that comes some bad behaviors at times.
Tonight I put Zara and Wendy in the adjacent pen to Hector and added Athena so she could be with Zara. Well, that was a bust. Poor big Athena, who is so much like Big Ida was, sat on the first roost bar. Wendy was on the second one, growling and trying to thunk poor Athena in the head. Wendy is the most crotchety old witch, she hates everybody. I rescued Athena and let her go back in with Hector since she doesn't cause any trouble (she does growl like Ida and give "the look" and everyone backs down). Then, Wendy proceeded to hassle Zara for what reason I have no idea. Zara was next to the window. Guess Wendy wanted the "window seat". I figured that when it got dark in 30 minutes, that mess would quit.

But what the heck to do with Wendy?? I told her she may be the very first hen executed for meanness....and I have put up with Tiny the Terrorist Attack Hen for almost 10 years! At least Tiny had an excuse of sorts, her bad eyesight and her Sumatra lineage, but recall I sold Lizzie and Tessa for just this behavior in a large group. That line of Delawares x Rocks produces some persnickety hens for some reason!
We decided to put all of the contests in the hatch along forum, not the sponsored one.
OK, I see them there. It might help visibility if you have a post on the home page, maybe a special banner or one of the Featured Content boxes, I know I seldom visit the Hatching section any more but I do enjoy looking through the Easter Hatch threads.
OK, I see them there. It might help visibility if you have a post on the home page, maybe a special banner or one of the Featured Content boxes, I know I seldom visit the Hatching section any more but I do enjoy looking through the Easter Hatch threads.
I think Nifty is planning on promoting it on the homepage very soon.
We got offers in the mail yesterday to buy both of our extra lots for $8850 each. Though it's tempting to have a no expense closing (no closing fees or realtor fees, it says) and put over $17K back in our pockets, it would make zero sense to sell not only the bottom lot, but both that and our pasture lot for basically what we paid for them together over 16 years ago. Not sure why some guy from Roswell wants those lots. Roswell is an upscale area north of Atlanta. Surely he's a developer of some sort. Seems we got an offer from him a couple of years back for just the pasture lot when Mark still owned the bottom lot.

Sounds like it may be a developer. Investigate if you are thinking of selling them.

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