The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Crele has always been one of my favorites. In my youth, I saved one of my uncle's crele fighting cocks from the fighting pits and adopted him, ever since, Crele brings back the fondest memory tide. Isabel has also started to be one of those varieties that hits a soft spot with me. Just love barred chickens.

This little NN boy surprised me with some barring (no Crele though, unfortunately), and has earned his spot in our broiler project with his stunning growth rate.

My friend, Kate, in Indiana would be all over that one. She loves NNs. Me, I can't get used to them. She recently got some hatching eggs from a breeder, but the stock didn't turn out so well, lots of faults, etc. I think she'd like some wild colors in hers, but she loves Barred Rocks. My almost 10 yr old BR hen, Amanda, and my late, Becca, her sister, were hatched from eggs that Kate gave me from her McMurray flock. I met her through, of all things, a Georgia Farmer's Market Bulletin ad when I was searching for a BR rooster for my original flock. She lived here about an hour south of me until a few years ago then moved to where her husband's family lives. It's odd the way people cruise through your life sometimes.
My dirt arrived yesterday, and our neighbor brought his tractor to distribute it in the new coop. We've still got a ways to go, but we're getting there. The neighbor saved us from several days of hard labor. While the pile of dirt doesn't look too big, when you have to move it by the shovel full, after awhile it seems like a mountain. We will get the rake, and spread it evenly.

Yesterday, the property owner where my current coop is at, informed me that there have been coyotes around his backyard, and around my coop. Sure enough, I found a good sized hole they had started just beyond the pen skirt. The tree roots stopped it/them. Today I will put moth balls out, and spray some ammonia. I think I will take a couple gallon jugs, add some ammonia water, put a cut strip of cloth to act as a wick, and set that out too. Hopefully those measures will deter them.

My dirt.

Neighbor, and Dh getting it put into the sections.

That's going to be great when it's done. I've been using the tractor a lot here the last couple days too, but that's to move the six inches of snow we just got around, no more dirt moving this year.

Love that little NN, looks like a funky Roadrunner
Looking good there, Cheryl.

Got a msg from my son entitled "your new grandchild". Apparently, they got a new dog, a 2 yr old male that, to me, appears to be only part Husky. His old Siberian Husky had to be put down about a year or so ago. I question them getting any dog since neither of them are ever home, both have stressful jobs with long hours, but not my life.

Do you think this is pure Siberian or, as my son mentioned, maybe part white Shepherd? The eyes are certainly all Husky but something doesn't seem right for a 100% pure one.

ETA: My son sent another email:


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Looking good there, Cheryl.

Got a msg from my son entitled "your new grandchild". Apparently, they got a new dog, a 2 yr old male that, to me, appears to be only part Husky. His old Siberian Husky had to be put down about a year or so ago. I question them getting any dog since neither of them are ever home, both have stressful jobs with long hours, but not my life.

Do you think this is pure Siberian or, as my son mentioned, maybe part white Shepherd? The eyes are certainly all Husky but something doesn't seem right for a 100% pure one.

ETA: My son sent another email:


Very interesting looking. Is this your son in Japan? Maybe part Akita?
Google "purebred white huskies" and look at the images. You might want to google "difference between a Pure White Siberian Husky and an 'Isabella' White Huskies". He has a very nice looking purebred husky.

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