The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

That's my biggest problem with broodies - no eggs.

Yes, it is. Between Lizzie, Tessa, Bonnie and now Thea, those are some of my very best layers out of commission. Cora has not started yet, but she's only about 22 weeks old, so not quite there. As far as hatching eggs, this time I wanted only Brahmas. I could have pulled a few from the fridge that were not too old, but DH ate them.
I follow this lady's channel, Patara Marlow (Appalachia's Homestead with Patara). She is amazing, used to be a backup singer for Ronnie Milsap, I believe. She has a 14 ac homestead in TN, but 3 hours north of me, but her husband was in heart failure last year and now, more health issues. So she's having to think about what to do if she's homesteading alone. She's 40 or so, my older son's age, and has three sons she homeschools as well. But, this is a nice thoughtful video, similar to one I just made asking pretty much the same questions, though I don't have cows, goats, ducks, 200+ chickens and a 120 yr old house. But, I'm 20 yrs older than she is, too.
In searching properties in TN in multiple counties, I just have to say that they have some nerve asking $200K for trailers on 3 acres...maybe in California or other higher priced areas, but not TN. And if those are worth that, mine is worth a heck of a lot more. Jes' sayin'.

To clarify, in the south, we call mobile homes "trailers". I don't care if they are the top end models, they're all trailers on wheels. You put it on a "permanent foundation", it's still a trailer, and always looks like it inside. I sold a 14 ac property with a mobile home on it as a realtor and it had to have vehicle tags. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against them if someone wants an "instant house", but they are not for us and should never be priced like a permanent, stick-built or modular home. Modulars are different, they are just a panelized build, but trailers? Not paying those ridiculous prices for something you can't even stay in when high winds blow. They fall apart like they're made of cardboard (and some of it is cardboard). Another speckledhen mini-rant, LOL!

What makes it harder is if it says "quiet community" or "nice neighbors" or "shared" anything, I run! That means people are much, much too close!

Aside from that, some are saying we are in for another real estate bubble burst like 2008, that conditions are the same or worse than they were in the housing market then. With all my searching, I can say for sure that the market has rebounded, big-time!

Oh, my, I have such a bone to pick with realtors now! I was one, a GOOD one, and this stuff is just stupid. The description says "secluded ranch". This is one of the pics taken from its front porch. On what planet is this "secluded"?????

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The market here is insane. More buyers than inventory. Houses typically have multiple offers above asking price within days. We could probably sell our house for $100k more than we bought it for less than 3 years ago. But we aren't looking to move, and we'd be hard pressed to find anything close to what we already have at a reasonable price that is still close enough for hubby to get to work.
I remember when we bought our house in Roy, Utah. It was, if I remember, $59K, a 4 level split, very nice home. Two years later, when DH retired from the Air Force, so many folks from CA had flooded in, that it sold for $85K, not a bad profit. The market here has been all over the place since 2008 and it's hard to find comps because of the nature of the 2nd home market here. From 500 sf tiny cabins to 10,000 sf mega-cabins on mountain tops, sometimes down the street from each other.
I remember when we bought our house in Roy, Utah. It was, if I remember, $59K, a 4 level split, very nice home. Two years later, when DH retired from the Air Force, so many folks from CA had flooded in, that it sold for $85K, not a bad profit. The market here has been all over the place since 2008 and it's hard to find comps because of the nature of the 2nd home market here. From 500 sf tiny cabins to 10,000 sf mega-cabins on mountain tops, sometimes down the street from each other.
We bought our place before land went way up in value, so if we ever sell we should at least double our investment.

Lots of mobile homes and modular homes around here too, I wouldn't want to live in them either.
We bought ours way under market in 2002, then it went way up, then way down, then back up and we had that almost total renovation after the fire, added the huge metal barn, cleared land to make the view year round, etc, etc. It's been so all over the place, it's hard to pinpoint, but from what I've seen, it's worth more than it used to be, that's for darn sure.
This place is crazy overpriced, about 15 miles from me, same county. I have a basement and multiple outbuildings and a view. This doesn't. And it's less square footage as well. Makes me wonder if they priced it so it would not sell. But, if that is really worth that price or close to it, mine is worth more than I thought!
This heat is making me queasy. DH is breaking up chunks of ice to take out to put in the chickens' waterers for me, but I am resting inside for awhile. Once again, I was up about 6 a.m.

And my younger SIL called just a bit ago. Her husband is in the hospital, some terrible pain in his stomach, long health saga with a gallbladder surgery, though I'm not sure what all that was about, but he's also a smoker who won't quit plus he won't take meds he's supposed to take, sort of like my late BIL was. He's 3 months older than I am. She can't lose her husband, not after taking care of her brother for so long and just losing him very recently. I hope it's not something really, really serious. He's always been very sweet to me.

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