The Fights On,


9 Years
Mar 25, 2010
I have read many-many post about can you keep pheasants with chickens - keep this breed of pheasant with that breed.this morning I heard my boxer barking so I went outside to see whats going on. it sounded like someone was killing my pheasants and I ran to there pens and man was the fight on luckly my roos were in seperate pens.I had just started building walls so they could not see each other.{ I read post that said this would help}and I am glad I did.all but 2 walls were done the roos that were in those pens were going at it like crazy. that got the others fired up and 8 roos can make more crazy sounds then you have ever heard.that in turn got my chickens cranked up.the two roos that could see each other were fighting and one got its leg cought in the fence before I could grab now I have a ringneck roo with a broke leg and stab wounds in my hands were he spured me. so dont be fooled and think they will always get along when breeding season starts they turn into little DEMONS. so dont put them in the same pen and put up walls so they cant see each other unless you want DEAD or injured birds.take the advise you get from these forums and learn or this will happen to YOU,
Sadly This Is True Of Most Speces Of Pheasant... They Should Definately Come With A "does Not Play Well With Others" Warning Label Sewn Onto Them In A Conspicuous Spot
Mine seem to get along through the fence okay as long as they can't make contact.

I guess I have different birds than yours.
Some birds are just born meen. Those should of been kulled as the offspring would also be meen. Yes, I only have one male in each pen, I'm no idiot!!!
If for some reason a bird tried to attack me or one of my kids whilest they were getting eggs, we would be having pheasant for dinner!

Except for the Impeyans, if a Rooster dies just put the extra hens in with the other roo.

Hope you heal fast, sounds painful, sorry 'bout your bird,
all of my roos are in there own pen with 8 hens each. the pheasants that were fighting each other one on each side of the fence were ringnecks. when I got spured I was trying to get one of them loose from the fence its leg went in one of the holes and was stuck it did not attack me it was just trying to get loose and hit my hand with its spur.I have had the same thing happen when catching chickens. I have {red golden} {yellow golden} that just strut instead of fighting.I have 3 other breeds of pheasants that will fight if given the chance.but my ringnecks will kill each other period, but they are not aggressive to anything but other roos when breeding season is in regardless of hand is ok but man did that hurt.
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That is vicious. I had that happen once when I first started out many years ago. The cause was not enough hiding spaces and not enough square footage for my birds, but I never had anything that brutal. Wow, you will be lucky if that bird doesn't get an infection or die. Separate it from your male or he will do more damage if not kill her.

Male ring-necks are relentless in breeding season and will chase down a hen until they are exhausted. They will do this over and over day in and day out until the hen is dead if you don't prepare your pen properly. The solution is easy, more room and plenty of hiding places. BTW how big is your pen?

Please don't think I am not belittling you or trying to be mean. I have 4 birds in 320 SQ FT with plenty of hiding spots and perches for them to fly up on and my male will sometimes still pin them to the ground all the while the hens are crying to be free. The males basically rape the hens. This is the main thing about ring-necks that I do not like. (Mods I am not trying to be vulgar & if this is inappropriate tell me or remove it please)

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