The fish tank thread.

I believe that the red stuff is an alcohol mixture, I don't know what the balls are though. You should do a water change and vacuum the substrate to get any alcohol and glass out, not to mention the ball things.
Already done. Thankfully the red alcohol didn't come out. That part was all still intact. It's just the balls. I vaguely remember fishing the glass out about a week ago. I thought the cat probably knocked it in there. I didn't think to check the thermometers. I couldn't find any more in there. I have no idea where the little balls are. I think they are just there to weigh down the end. I'm going to put a magnet on a stick and try to grab them that way.
Gary our pufferfish continues to consume expensive snacks. My youngest daughter threatened to put scuba gear on and go in after him after he ate her prized Betta and two of her Dwarf Gouramis. We talked about re-homing him but now Gary is getting his very own 29 gallon set up. I'll be painting the back of the tank black tonight before setting it up.

Once he is in his new home we will continue to get the 300 fully stocked.

Just found this thread. Chicken and Fish lover here
(and a slight coral addiction)

sweet tank!! mine is having some diatom issues right now so it definitely doesnt look THIS good. i only have 3 fish; two scooter dragonets (theyre breeding), and a diamond watchman
my corals arent doing so hot either
Ok I could use some help. I have 2 glow fish and a apple snail. One of the glow fish has a clear bubble/blister like thing on its tail and on the inside is a little red. What's wrong?
This thread makes me miss my tanks. I started out fresh then went salt then moved and had to get rid of them. My fresh back when I had it.

Major algea bloom made for an awesome picture

All plants were live and had about 100 fish in there although you couldn't tell.

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