The girls evidently don't like their new pen


7 Years
Aug 16, 2012
Up North MN
We are new to chickens and for most of the summer the girls free ranged all day and came back to a small fenced enclosure which also had a small 4 x 8 coop. Once they got older they decided that the inside was for sissies so they all roosted on top of the roof. I have been worried about owls and the other night the coyotes sounded extremely close. We decided to move them into the new pole barn. My husband made a pen in the back of the new barn for them. It is still a work in progress. We covered part of the top with chicken wire but it looks like we need to do the rest.

Here is where the chickens were supposed to spend the night

Here is where most of them spent the night.
It has been my experience that no matter how hard you work at making a "comfy" spot for your birds they're going to decide where they want to roost or lay, and once you think you have them figured out they'll just change their minds. They are, after all female and that is their prerogative.
At least they are roosting directly over the pen so the mess shouldn't be too bad. The ducks and geese below them are probably not excited though.

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