the goose/geese thread! non-breed specific, just talk about geese in general :)



7 Years
Oct 27, 2016
hello every one, its a small farm here.

was on the duck thread (called the duck thread) and some one asked we should have one of these for geese, the idea is just to talk about geese in general.

so i will start off,

so what breeds do you guys have? am getting 3 hens this fall 1 Toulouse 1 american buff and 1 African all being hens, but i really enjoy the sounds geese make, the honking is just kinda relaxing to me. lol

but sorry if one of these already exists but hope you guys have fun with this thread and we can just talk about geese in general, so feel free to say anything or ask anything.

itsamallfarm out. :)

My first geese!
Bought two white chinese goslings today at north 40.
Cant beleive how cute they are. I also have 13 ducklings who are 5 weeks old.
So these guys will be joining them soon .
I have 2 pair of Africans browns and 2 African buffs coming I already have 2 American blues and 1 American buff. I can 't wait till the babies are here. I love my geese.
I have 2 pair of Africans browns and 2 African buffs coming I already have 2 American blues and 1 American buff. I can 't wait till the babies are here. I love my geese.
Oh exciting! When will they arrive? Your other geese look like pretty happy geese!! Im so excited to watch mine grow up. Not sure if they are boys or girls. But they look different and walk different.. so i kinda think i have one of each
ducks4us I just herd from
holderread farms I should get them ether April 24 or25 or 26 they wil let me know right before I hope our weather is good. it has been very windy here I thought mickey was going to take off he got pretty high luckily he landed in the right pen. mickey is the buff.

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