The guilt is killing me!

We are having major problems with Foxes. I was in the barn Wednesday when the pair of Foxes came out, one grabbed a hen and ran, the other grabbed a Roo and I threw a clod of cow poop, mud and straw at it, I missed but he dropped the Roo and ran like the devil. Traps are now set and I hope to catch them.
I wouldn't blame the smell of blood, the smell of chicken would attract anything attracted by blood long before they smelt that. Not to mention hawks hunt more by sight so movement than smell.

The hawk might have been attracted to the commotion and a body? I wouldn't assume that's what it was, they are more likely to pick them off one at a time over a week or so than wipe out a whole flock in one go and after attacking one the others would have scattered and hid so not been continuing easy targets. I would be searching for signs of four legged predators or if it was the hawk the others could still be in hiding so keep an eye out tonight some more may come home at bedtime hopefully

So sorry to hear you have had such an awful thing happen.
Ditto. A hawk did not show up because it "smelled blood". Either it was attracted to the ruckus from another predator attack on your birds, or the others scattered when the hawk attacked and are in hiding. Time will tell which it is.

Do not blame your rooster for the loss(es). As long as you free range there is the chance you will lose birds to predators.
How many are "all" your girls? I know you are upset but give us the details. What was left? Where were the remains in relation to your coop,fences etc. Hawks don't carry off adult hens. Sounds like you have a bigger problem
I think your chickens were taken by something else. From all I've read on here, a hawk will kill and carry off or eat one bird at a time. The hawk was not attracted by the smell of the blood, but maybe saw your dead bird and as previously stated, took advantage of the situation. If you lost 4 birds at once, I would suggest you build a sturdy run attached to your coop before you get any more chickens. This will happen again. It's the biggest risk of free ranging.
final chickens.Gone. Lost to a hawk. Boy, I HATE them,! She was my little baby. Gone. Any words of comfort?:(
Sorry for your loss. How did the hawk get ahold of your chicken? I would suggest that before you get more chickens, you might want to build them a secure coop and run to keep them safe. If you want to free range, that's your choice, but do remember that there are risks involved.

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