The Haunted Forest RPG

Elle follows the noise, rushing through the knotted forest. She's there just in time to witness the arrow pierce the great beasts heart. She stops and catches her breath. "Wow.. Who the heck shot that..?"
Elle follows the noise, rushing through the knotted forest. She's there just in time to witness the arrow pierce the great beasts heart. She stops and catches her breath. "Wow.. Who the heck shot that..?"

Amariea,layed on the ground,barly moving
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Amariea doesn't reply,she groans lightly
Elle catches a glimpse of someone out of the corner of her eye disappearing into the woods. She considers following them but decides to stay with Amariea for now. "Hey, it's me, I came back" She cuts a piece of fur off her jacket and covers the bite mark on Amariea's arm.

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