The Haven

Allen shot slowly and deliberately, trying to improve his accuracy long range. The practice room was empty this early in the morning and he had let his border collie, Zero, back in his room. He named her Zero because she never made a sound, almost like a ghost. He mostly just called her Z though He had spent hours training her to reply to commands when she was just a puppy, He could never teacher how to 'speak' or make any other sort of noise though. the only noise she had made, was the Thump or swish of her tail. When she trotted, walked, or even sprinted he never heard anything, which he thought was strange. Hence the name Zero.
Phoenix strolled into the practice room, Firefury strapped to her back and Istalri, her Falcon, perched on her shoulder. She smiled at Allen as she walked in. "Hello." she said, pulling a throwing knife out of her boot, where she had hidden it. "My name is Phoenix."
She threw her knife, splitting the rope holding up a target. the target and the knife went flying, and the knife landing right next to the big red bullseye with a muffled thump. She gestured towards the knife, and Istalri flew to the target and retrieved it.
"Nice to meet you." Allen replied evenly. He was concentrating on a target that was about 300 meters away and was trying to hit the bulls eye, so far he had made the inner circle about 6 times but never managed to hit it. Shooting about one arrow every 10 seconds. on his 8th arrow, he managed to hit the mark. He turned to face Phoenix. "I'm Allen."
"Nice to meet you, too." Phoenix replied. she took Firefury off of her back, and sliced off the heads of two manniquens, then threw it across the room. it peirced the target that Allen had been shooting at, and knocked it over. in the process, a couple of the arrows broke. Phoenix ran over to right the target, blushing. "Sorry."
Allen shrugged. "S'all right." He said nonchalantly. "i can always make new ones." he said referring to the arrows. He had been practicing for about an hour and a half and was planning on going back to his room to feed Zero anyway. He tugged the tips of the broken arrows out of the target and put them in his bag, then he took the arrows that were still intact and put them back in his quiver. "See you later." He said as he left the practice room, heading towards his room.
Jessamine bumped into a guy((Allen)) as she walked into the practice room. Her katana's scabbard was knocked off her belt in the process and she hurriedly kneeled down to pick it up. "Grrrr... I hate when that happens." she muttered, making a mental note to fix it in the near future. What if that happens in battle? A girl named Renee always seemed to point that out to her. Jess(that's her nickname by the way) looked up at the guy she bumped into. "Sorry. It's just my stupid scabbard." She ran her fingers through her hair, which was an annoying nervous habit of hers.
"No, it's my fault really." Jess said, but he was already walking away. She sighed and got to her feet, walking into the practice room, where there was already people training. She set the katana onto a bench with care, and started shooting the farthest targets with her Yumi with near-perfect accuracy.
Allen opened the door quietly to his room. Zero padded up silently and wagged her tail in a gentle whoosh whoosh motion. He smiled a little and patted her head gently. He slipped into his room and hurriedly put some dog food in her bowl. she crept over and crunched it silently. Allen smiled again and decided to busy himself with repairing the arrows that had broken.
Maeve walked out if her room, her falcon, Tara, perched on her shoulder, as she walked down to the practice room. She had four sharp bladed daggers strapped to her belt along with her Tizona bladed short sword. It looked to be made of a metal similar to platinum with a beautifully designed handle that seem to have been made just for her. She walked into the practice room, finding lots of other people practicing as well, she found her own practicing area and put her sword down. She took a dagger out and flunk it at a rounded target that hung from the ceiling a few hundred yards away, give or take. It hit the bulls eye. She whistled a high pitched whistle that was kind of hard to hear, signaling Tara to retrieve her dagger. Her falcon flew over and grabbed the handle in her talons, then brought it back over and dropped it into Maeve's open hand. "Good girl." Maeve smiled, something she hardly did.
Jess glanced curiously when a girl threw a knife at a target and had her pet retrieve it, making sure her face showed mild interest. It was either a really good idea or she was just lazy. ((WARNING: the next few sentences contain several Japanese terms. Proceed with caution.))Jess assumed it was the latter and continued shooting her Yumi. When her Yazatsu was empty she went to the targets she was using and removed the Ya, careful not to snap the tips off. She walked over to a weapons rack and laid the Yumi and Yazatsu against it. There were several normal bows in the rack, and the Yumi's size made them look like children's toys in comparison. Her Katana was on a bench nearby. She unsheathed it and starting practicing on a dummy. Most of her hits were in common faults in armor. She had been trained as to where they were in a class she took once; it was a quite useful thing to know in a fight.

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