The Hen that Crowed


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 7, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area
Okay, I realize this sounds like a murder mystery title, but.....

Over Izzy, our ~25-week-old Barred Plymouth Rock hen, has taken to crowing for about 10 minutes every morning at sunrise. No, seriously, she's crowing like a pro.

She used to share a coop with our very loud RIR, Minnie the Mooch, but Minnie (an egg-eater, in addition to being loud) has been put out to pasture (a very nice farm was willing to take her). Minnie seems to have trained Izzy in the practice of being exceptionally loud.

Izzy crows so loudly and convincingly that I was sure someone else on the block must have a rooster. But one morning I was downstairs early, and saw Izzy fold back her wings and belt out a terrific cock-a-doodle-doo (well, cock-a-doodle -- she didn't quite get the full "doo" out).

So, here's what I'm wondering:

(1) is she going to train the three baby chicks on their way to us from to be as loud as she is?

(2) is there anything to be done? Would keeping Izzy in the dark until later in the morning work, and if so, would it cause her to stop laying?

I'd love it if my neighbors didn't want to kill us every morning. And I could use the sleep, too.

Thanks for any suggestions you have......
In flocks with no rooster an alpha hen can (often does) start crowing.

No she won't train new chicks.

Just a reminder, keep the new chicks in their own pen until they are at least 16 weeks old before trying to put them in with the older chickens.

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