The Ignis Brotherhood ~^~ A Technology Roleplay ~^~

(Well she is Claudos annnnnddd well they're doing stuff so. yeah. um. yeah.)
Emily was sitting in her room, experimenting, she knew that if eventually the dome was broken down, there would need to be a way to restore the atmosphere. She used a thick sugar solution and golf balls for her experiments. The golf ball was used to represent the planet and the sugar solution was space. Though she couldn't get the chemistry of space right, she was sure (hoped) that it was similar. she jerked when her phone beeped, making a chemical she was using splash on the table grumbling she mopped it up and looked at her phone. She had to believe that the atmosphere would restore itself, or already had, because where would all the gasses go? She may as well just try dumping every known element into the thing and it wouldn't work. She sighed and slid her phone across the table, What did the Claudos plan on doing when they broke the dome if the atmosphere wasn't restored? How was the atmosphere destroyed in the first place? She groaned in frustration, feeling like she was on a wild goose chase. She was young to be in the Claudos but she hated sitting around and doing nothing.
(Wow. Does that count for like, ten posts?)

(No worries, that was fab. Anyway, you think Rin gives a fig about whether things are authorized or not? ;) )

((Haha, now that's the type of posts I like to do, and that's why I right books! Just kidding. Sure Rin can be sneaky, but (not that she would) she can no longer go in any official buildings, because her keycards are deactivated, she can access any official sites to get info and she can not call for backup. So, um, you take that!))

Rin swept up the broken fishbowl, loudly cursing Charlie, though the cat paid her no mind.

"I can't even bury that fish now!" Rin scolded.


"And you do realize what a mess you caused, don't you?"


"That's all you have to say for yourself? Of course! You're much too good for an apology!"

"Meow." Rin sensed a tone of agreement in the cat's last statement. Grumbling, she finished her cleaning.

"Now," said Rin, "I've got work to do. Important stuff. Cloak-and-dagger, trench coat-and-sunglasses stuff, okay? So, you stay here and don't scratch, eat, or pee on anything, okay?" She went into her room to change. She usually wore pretty form-fitting stuff, so she'd have to change that. She was pretty good with a sewing machine – good enough, anyway – and she'd made herself an easily removable white skirt (to be paired with leggings, of course). That, along with a white poet's shirt and a pair of hiking boots, gave her a slightly hippie-ish look. She swept her hair up into a bun and sat down at her dresser.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures," she muttered, "but I hate makeup." One of her foster-moms was totally makeup-obsessed, and Rin had learned a few things from her. Rin avoided making faces as she applied the stuff. She looked different when she finished – not as drastically as she'd hoped, but it'd have to do. She grabbed a tote bag for a pistol and tucked her urumi under her skirt.

And, of course, sunglasses.

"No, I'm not taking you," Rin shot at Charlie. The cat pawed at her boot. "Ta! I've got spying to do!"

((But now, how will you find him! Wahaha!))

(Oh dear! I'm shaking in my stylish-yet-affordable boots!)

((Don't be so naive Gertrude, there is no Easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy and there is no Queen of England! And I was going to go on about the spiiider, but I have to sleep. >o< {that's a yawn, btw...}))
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((Haha, now that's the type of posts I like to do, and that's why I right books! Just kidding. Sure Rin can be sneaky, but (not that she would) she can no longer go in any official buildings, because her keycards are deactivated, she can access any official sites to get info and she can not call for backup. So, um, you take that!))
((But now, how will you find him! Wahaha!))
((Don't be so naive Gertrude, there is no Easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy and there is no Queen of England! And I was going to go on about the spiiider, but I have to sleep. >o< {that's a yawn, btw...}))

(1. I'll take that and chuck it in the trash! So you take that! Mkay?)

(2. She has…ways. Take that too!)

(3. I'm not naïve. These things are fab, first off. Secondly – we have tea on Wednesdays, along with Kevin the pyrophobic phoenix, Rapunzel {who just got an absolutely adorable haircut}, Edgar Allan Poe's ghost and Queen Mab of Faerie. We used to have a few others, but Snow White had a nervous breakdown when I brought out the applesauce, poor dear, and the Agatha {Little Red Hen} wouldn't share the bread she'd made. And George {Bigfoot} has serious anger issues. There's another thing for you to take!)
Name- Magpie Grace
Age- 19
Class- Claudos – not her idea though. To the world she's an Ire. An absolutely harmless Ire.
Weapon- What, as in one? Not likely. Guns, poisons, a blowgun, knives – whatever the mission calls for. And of course, her extensive hand-to-hand combat training helps.
Personality- First off – scared. Worried that Buck will find out and turn her in, quaking at the idea of killing one more person, but most of all: afraid of Apex. She's strong, yes, but scared. The fear has simply been drilled into her from day one. Apex is the living bogeyman – he can find and kill her and everyone she's ever met. So underneath the fear, she's not sure what she is. She might be friendly, but she's not sure if that's an act to keep up appearances. She might be tough, but that might just be how she survived. She might be loving – but it's not safe to find out.
Bio- When she was a baby, she was…adopted? Stolen? Found? She's never gotten the full story there. Anyway, Apex took her in. Not out of the goodness of his heart, you see: out of the usefulness of a trained Claudos, raised away from all that corrupting "we need the dome" stuff to confuse them. Now, she's a Claudos assassin…who doesn't want to kill. Apex got her to do what he wanted, sure, but he couldn't get her to think right. She met Buck when she was a little kid, and they've been friends ever since…if friendship can be had when one person's keeping a giant "I-kill-people" sort of secret.


Name- Buckthorn (Thorn) Choir
Age- 19
Class- Scitis
Weapon- Well, he's good with hand-to-hand, and he's got a bowie knife, but he loves his guns. Armed and dangerous.
Personality- Sweet and pleasant, but very serious. Keeps his head in a fight and is completely unflappable…okay, Magpie can flap him, but he likes that.
Bio- His mother was killed by the Claudos a few years ago, not long after he joined the Brotherhood. Also, he has a very dear friend that he met when he was young: Magpie Grace.

Dark brown eyes, compact, wiry.

Name- Apex Grace
Age- 42
Class- Claudos
Weapon- Sawed-off shotgun, pistols, and a big knife.
Personality- Clever, shrewd, holds Magpie with an iron fist, ruthless, cold.
Bio- Took Magpie off the hands of some homeless family and has trained her to be an assassin. He's used fear as a weapon to keep her in check, and it was his idea for her to join Ire.

[COLOR=333333]Name- Magpie Grace Age- 19 Class- Claudos – not her idea though. To the world she's an Ire. An absolutely harmless Ire. Weapon- What, as in one? Not likely. Guns, poisons, a blowgun, knives – whatever the mission calls for. And of course, her extensive hand-to-hand combat training helps. Personality- First off – scared. Worried that Buck will find out and turn her in, quaking at the idea of killing one more person, but most of all: afraid of Apex. She's strong, yes, but scared. The fear has simply been drilled into her from day one. Apex is the living bogeyman – he can find and kill her and everyone she's ever met. So underneath the fear, she's not sure what she is. She might be friendly, but she's not sure if that's an act to keep up appearances. She might be tough, but that might just be how she survived. She might be loving – but it's not safe to find out. Bio- When she was a baby, she was…adopted? Stolen? Found? She's never gotten the full story there. Anyway, Apex took her in. Not out of the goodness of his heart, you see: out of the usefulness of a trained Claudos, raised away from all that corrupting "we need the dome" stuff to confuse them. Now, she's a Claudos assassin…who doesn't want to kill. Apex got her to do what he wanted, sure, but he couldn't get her to think right. She met Buck when she was a little kid, and they've been friends ever since…if friendship can be had when one person's keeping a giant "I-kill-people" sort of secret. Appearance-[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Other-[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Name- Buckthorn (Thorn) Choir Age- 19 Class- Scitis Weapon- Well, he's good with hand-to-hand, and he's got a bowie knife, but he loves his guns. Armed and dangerous. Personality- Sweet and pleasant, but very serious. Keeps his head in a fight and is completely unflappable…okay, Magpie can flap him, but he likes that. Bio- His mother was killed by the Claudos a few years ago, not long after he joined the Brotherhood. Also, he has a very dear friend that he met when he was young: Magpie Grace. Appearance-[/COLOR] Dark brown eyes, compact, wiry. [COLOR=333333]Other-[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Name- Apex Grace Age- 42 Class- Claudos Weapon- Sawed-off shotgun, pistols, and a big knife. Personality- Clever, shrewd, holds Magpie with an iron fist, ruthless, cold. Bio- Took Magpie off the hands of some homeless family and has trained her to be an assassin. He's used fear as a weapon to keep her in check, and it was his idea for her to join Ire. Appearance-[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Other-[/COLOR]
All accepted! Great idea going there. ((You stole my idea for kick-a** Scitis. :p ))
Um, Aspen already has too many weapons. All of my characters only have two main weapons

((The illegal stash doesn't count, he doesn't have them with him. And at the moment, he only has his two submachine guns:

Not a compact assault rifle in site!

When I first made him and Anise, I didn't expect everyone to go after him with swords!!!))
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