'The In memory Thread'

Chirpy- Butchered
Insert- Dissappeared
Dinnerbone- Butchered
Blue jay-Butchered
MR gold-Butchered
Feathers-Egg yolk Peritonitis
Chirp- Egg yolk Peritonitis
Ember- Butchered

Ok, when you say butchered, do you mean like y'all killed them or they got predated?

Burrito- Silkie rooster, illness
Taco- Silkie hen, killed by flock mates

Aww, sorry for you losses. I currently have a RSL hen who is being separated because of other chickens pecking on her.

I lost Posey today and I am very sad.She was only 3 but had layed an egg everyday since I got her. I suppose her little body just wore out. She was a wonderful pet who came when called and went back in the coop when I snapped my fingers. Sometimes I called her Posey smarty pants because she learned things so much faster than the other chickens. She had been sick with watery poo two weeks ago and I gave her elecrolites and probiotics and she came back and seemed herself for the last couple weeks. Then this morning she didn't want to come out of her box and passed away this afternoon.I don't know what happened to her. RIP Posey, I will miss her.
so sorry for the loss of your chickens, I only had 2 but they are pets and my little Posey died mysteriously last evening. She just wouldn't come outside and layed around in the coop. She had been sick a couple weeks ago with diarreha but I gave her probiotics and got her back to her old self. I just don't know what happened. :(
I've kept chickens for a little over 2 years now and just lost my 2 year old Jersey Giant Eowyn on Wednesday :(
She was a very pretty hen, I might share a picture of her later when I'm on my laptop
Butchered means they went to freezer camp.

I am pretty sure they were a bit confused because this thread was started as a memorial, if you will, for beloved pets. While there is nothing wrong with butchering chickens for food, it is beyond rude to proudly post a list of chickens you have butchered on this particular thread. Some people are just completely tactless.
Hi all. I'm truly sorry for all of your losses. I too have had some (losses) although I've only been keeping chickens for little over a year. On Feb. 14th this year my DH incubated 4 eggs from our EE hen and roo as a Valentines surprise. Only one egg hatched and boy was she a spitfire! She pecked everyone who came near, straight for the eyes, so I separated her and she soon became my special little buddy. She didn't like to be contained and would bloody her beak every time she was placed in her brooder/coop so I would let her follow me around the yard for hours looking for bugs. Three days ago I went inside to answer a call and once outside realized she was gone. Yesterday I found 2 piles of feathers and knew instantly she did not make it. Words cannot express the guilt I feel for leaving her alone.

RIP my precious Pippy Blue..

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