The Journal of The Quackers

Cool! So showing them the apron doesn't do it?
I hate waiting ....
Well they saw it for the first time yesterday, so maybe soon! ( Better be soon.... )
Hi everybody! Just wanted to update you on the Quackers! I have found that they LOVE little red grapes! We had a bunch that were going mushy and I threw them to them and boy, did they gobble them up!
They loved them! Still no eggs from my girls, maybe because Finn ( The Goat ) has been getting in their house and eating their food :-/
So still waiting! (C'mon girls! You can do it!) Also I've started some new contests! !
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Today I saw a prettiest Duck contest and decided to enter for the fun of it. I decided to take some new pictures for it. I couldn't decide which of my ducks is the prettiest, Miel ( My Magpie drake ) or Jasper ( my Black Runner Girl ) so I took pictures of Both.

When I took Miel's pictures he kept trying to run away,

And he hid behind the Hay bale.

...Twice. Poor guy's is Camera-shy. Which is too bad because his feathers are so pretty in the sun! I'll get a picture of them someday... ...It's now on my Bucket List.
Jasper Cooperated much better. Granted she tried to run away at first, but I think once she saw she wasn't getting out of this (And that I was taking her picture ) She posed for me and stood up all tall and showed her "Runner stance"

She also let me get a close up!!! YAY!!!

She's such a pretty girl! ( I wish she would start laying! :-/ ) Well that's that! Have a good day!

-The Duck Ladie
Today I saw a prettiest Duck contest and decided to enter for the fun of it. I decided to take some new pictures for it. I couldn't decide which of my ducks is the prettiest, Miel ( My Magpie drake ) or Jasper ( my Black Runner Girl ) so I took pictures of Both.

When I took Miel's pictures he kept trying to run away,

And he hid behind the Hay bale.

...Twice. Poor guy's is Camera-shy. Which is too bad because his feathers are so pretty in the sun! I'll get a picture of them someday... ...It's now on my Bucket List.
Jasper Cooperated much better. Granted she tried to run away at first, but I think once she saw she wasn't getting out of this (And that I was taking her picture ) She posed for me and stood up all tall and showed her "Runner stance"

She also let me get a close up!!! YAY!!!

She's such a pretty girl! ( I wish she would start laying! :-/ ) Well that's that! Have a good day!

-The Duck Ladie
They're so pretty! (ROFL on the hay bale pic!)

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