The joys of having Roosters!


8 Years
Apr 9, 2011
South of Colorado Springs CO

Seriously, I love our rooster!

Abe, the rooster in my avatar, had been in the breeding pen for a couple of months, and now that our breeding season is drawing to a close, on Saturday we put he and his breeding pen honeys back with the main flock. As always, watching him back with the other hens proved as entertaining as always.

He would go to each of them in turn, strutting, doing his low cluck cluck call, and finding delicious orsals and dropping the food in front of the hens. Some would squat even if he was just near to them. This went on for over an hour.

I feel bad for those who cannot of even choose not to have a rooster in their flock.
I love my roos! I just love watching them court the girls. If only human men were more like roosters, I wouldn't complain about being brought yummy treats and the other positives that come with being a hen!
I was given a black copper marans rooster. He did no courting, just strutted up to whichever girl took his fancy, one foot in the middle of her back and there you go.....
He would stare at me every time I entered the run, then go for the back of my legs if I turned my back. On his third day with us my 11 year old daughter tried to stroke one of the girls and he flew at her.... and so ended his stay with us - although I did collect all the eggs over the next three days and put them under a broody hen, so he has left a legacy (well 10 really cute little legacies!!)
LOL! Yes.

Not just because of their entertainment value, we'll never go for long without a roo in our flock. If it hadn't been for our boy, we'd have either lost or had an injured hen last week when two dogs roaming at large trespassed on our property and headed straight for our free ranging flock. Instead, we had a roo with a lot of missing feathers and a broken toe who is recovering nicely. Despite his splinted foot, when we put him back with his girls a few days ago to see how he'd do, he went right about his usual routine, courting, mounting, and strutting (albeit with a bit of a limp), but it sure didn't slow his butt down.

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