The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!


Can anyone tell me if chocolate jewel is a duck or drake and do they lay blue eggs x
Let's talk winter duck care!

What do you do about water if you're in the North and it snows and it below freezing for months?? Will they be fine without a pool? What type of waterer do you use for ducks in the winter?
So I think our Duck may be going broody? I am not sure. She is not sitting on the eggs yet. Every morning when I go to collect everyone eggs I have to uncover them. I am leaving the Ducks eggs just to see if she is going broody. Once she sits on them I am going to replace them with Chicken eggs. She isn't really hanging with the other Ducks like she usually does and I notice she does get upset when you go near the Coop she doesnt attack but she keeps her mouth open and knd of does a biting action in the air at she going broody??

I know this isnt a great pic i'll try to get a better one soon, was wondering if anyone could sex the khaki campbells or if a better picture was needed,
The one in the foreground is most likely a female. The one in the middle could be a drake since it appears the head is darker but I suspect it is also a female. How about any changes to their quack sounds. The males will transition to a softer sort of cough quack while the female will sound like the Aflac duck. Also, does either one of them look to be getting a drake feather...curled up feather on their tail?

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