The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

Thanks for the responses about Stella. Either way she/he would stay but I had concerns if she turned into a Stanley because I did not know what would happen with just chickens when he comes into his matting season. By the way when is the ducks matting seasons? I wanted to share this idea I saw on the net setting up a duck pool and I did it. So far no leaks and Stella swims and swims. I put a leader hose on so I can water the plants next to the run and not waste the water

There is no mating season for Khaki's. Once they start laying the girls are fertile continuously. From about 4 months and older you will see the boys trying to perform their duties also.
Stella and her BFF Fay waiting patiently for Stella to get her stink off so they can go forage the yard. Fay said she needs swim lessons.
I have two Khaki Campbell ducks in a mixed flock of 6 adults (2 males and 2 other females). The Khaki's started laying an egg a day at exactly 20 weeks of age. I also have a flock of 17 Cayuga ducklings that are just past 10 weeks of age. The two flocks shared the same coop with a barrier between them to allow them to get used to each other. Three days ago I took the barrier down and the two flocks are doing fine, not merging but no fights. The thing is the Khaki's have stopped laying eggs. It has been three days with no duck eggs and I was wondering if this is just an adjustment thing and will there be any harm to them if they don't lay. Can ducks just turn the egg laying thing on and off at will based on changes?

One of my three ducks! My khaki campbell Hershey! Quacks all the time but recently I came out one morning and wow a curled feather! I know if they talk all the time they are female and if they have the curled tail feathers they are a drake! Ummm help!! Lol did she just pull a feather out and it curled or do I have the only drake in the world that quacks all the time non stop! Lol would love some of your inputs!!

One of my three ducks! My khaki campbell Hershey! Quacks all the time but recently I came out one morning and wow a curled feather! I know if they talk all the time they are female and if they have the curled tail feathers they are a drake! Ummm help!! Lol did she just pull a feather out and it curled or do I have the only drake in the world that quacks all the time non stop! Lol would love some of your inputs!!
All 4 of my kc's r chatty lol & I have 3 very handsome boys & 1 quieter than usual girl! She is talkative don't get me wrong but the drakes talk nonstop! Susie Q tho only gets real chatty when there are treats involved! Lol! She is quite shy compared to the boys. Heck I just recently "found out" that there were 3 boys & 1 girl for sure just a few wks ago! The tell tell signs green head & curled tail feathers over night! Never a dull moment with these quacks lolz!! ;-)
Yes it was def a surprise! Hershey's head is getting green throughout it and the feather curled over night so I bet it's a boy so no eggs from Hershey for me! Lol I was hoping that it was a female bc I have two pekins and wanted to keep a baby! Hopefully atleast one of my two pekins are a girl!

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I think we got our first egg today! I think! It is big, it is single yolked, and it tasted ducky haha. But, it was runny and not thick like typical duck eggs. The shell was thin and rough/bumpy.
My girls are 19 weeks old.

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