The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

YES! My girls start quacking when they hear my car drive up and don't stop until they see me. They quack when the barn door opens and don't stop until they are fed. They quack when they want to get to the front of the treats line. They quack just to hear themselves quack. They sound so funny they quack me up.
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YES!  My girls start quacking with they hear my car drive up and don't stop until they see me.  They quack when the barn door opens and don't stop until they are fed.  They quack when they want to get to the front of the treats line.  They quack just to hear themselves quack.  They sound so funny they quack me up.

Then which breeds are quitest besides wh

Besides Muscovies as well
Is it easy to tell the females apart?I'll be naming my 6 khaki ducklings when they get their adult feathers so I'm worried it won't be easy to notice the little differences in their that I type this it seems kind of trivial , but I'm genuinely worried XD
Is it easy to tell the females apart?I'll be naming my 6 khaki ducklings when they get their adult feathers so I'm worried it won't be easy to notice the little differences in their that I type this it seems kind of trivial , but I'm genuinely worried XD
You should have no trouble telling males from females once they mature a bit. Males will develop what is called a drake feather which is a curled feather on their tail. Male Khakis will also develop a much darker head than the female has. The male will change voice from a quack to a raspy sort of chirp/quack almost like he might have a sore throat while the female will continue to quack like you would expect a duck to do.

In this picture you can see my two female Khaki Campbells (the brown ones) and the male which is the one with the dark head and tan body.
I just picked up 2 khaki Campbell's from our local feed store they are about 3-4 weeks old we are hoping for a pair will mine look like the ones in your picture that male is beautiful this is our dirst time with this breed I have pekins and sweds just got 2 muscovie this year also
You should have no trouble telling males from females once they mature a bit. Males will develop what is called a drake feather which is a curled feather on their tail. Male Khakis will also develop a much darker head than the female has. The male will change voice from a quack to a raspy sort of chirp/quack almost like he might have a sore throat while the female will continue to quack like you would expect a duck to do. In this picture you can see my two female Khaki Campbells (the brown ones) and the male which is the one with the dark head and tan body.
Thanks , but I was wondering how easy it is to tell the females apart from each other , as I ordered all females from Metzer. Very pretty ducks though , I love the , blue Swedish is it?I just really like that blue color!

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