The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

On a roll here with questions.
My ducks are 3 to 4 weeks old and I am impressed with their growth since I got them. When I got them they were 12 days old and I went on youtube to see how to sex them at that age- basically find the hole, open and look for a penis. Doing that I found 2 boys and 1 girl.

The strange thing to me is that the "girl" is larger than the boys. Has been the whole time. I was told they were incubated together and are out of the same drake.- I don't know if a day or two early hatch would cause this or not. I know I would not see that difference with chickens, especially with a pullet being bigger than a cockerel brother.
Can ducks be sexed this way at 12 days old or is that a day old thing?
The only date Icould get naked necks , was while I was on vacation, so I changed to Amberlinks. Will try Turkens next year. The Amberlinks are real pretty, and top notch layers. In the brooder hutch outside. Running in and out from under their heat plate. All happy, I will throw a cover over entire hutch tonight and tomorrow night, will freeze, but they will be toasty as the others were last year.

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