The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

I believe my ducklings are khaki Campbell but not 100% sure.

Looks about 8 weeks. Mine did not need a heat source at that time. No where near as needy as chicks. Actually they can overheat. If you feel you "must" have heat, put it way up high. But they really don'tt need it at all. They have down under those feathers.. My khakis are not as friendly as my Rouens. They will get close, but not hand feed. The Rouens, will litterly stand at my feet and demand to be hand fed. I call my Khaki hens the " three stooges" because they stick together and are a comedy team! My two Rouens are Lavern and Shirley. My Rouen Drake is supposed to arrive April 27th. Will have to get a buddy to brood with though. Couldn't get a sexed one any sooner. Would have raised him with my five replacement chicks.
Be best way to sex it by the bean on the beak.... If it's black on grey/black = hen if it's light black on grey/pinkish = drake

What age is that good for?
Like someone else has posted, I have one that makes a little grunt sound between peeps sometimes, especially if I turn it on it's back or when it gets a little skittish- only a month old. Does this mean anything?
How can I make my ducks less skittish? They're about 3 weeks old and still run away every time I approach :( any thoughts or ideas?

They are going through a normal phase, that can last several weeks. What I learned from BYC duck people six years ago:

ducklings can be terrified by anything taller than they are. Approach low. I used to squat and even crawl as I got closer to the ducklings
ducklings can be startled and upset by something suddenly appearing. Make sweet noises as you approach
ducklings can be panicked by being cornered. Try to avoid cornering. Try to make it so that they can walk to where you want them (safely) rather than being picked up
ducklings love treats. As long as you have made sure they get a little chick grit for a few days first, they can have treats (see the sticky on the ultimate list of duck treats - link at the top of the duck forum index). Offer them treats a few feet away from you, and sit quietly, or sing to them, or read a book or your handheld device for a while, just to be near them.
well I just had to post this I have 2 KC both drakes they been together for 2 years now. Well I decided one had to go they were to hard on the girls. so I gave one with three of the girls to my neighbor he has a beautiful pond. So Saturday I went out and rounded them up no easy task. Drove them over there let them out they went right to the water never looked back. That late afternoon I went out to give every one there peas and had to do a double take that drake found his way home. I guess he is staying. the girls are still there. He missed his buddy. I have to go and tell my neighbor that I have the duck I have some eggs in the incubator I guess I will give him any males that hatch. I just had to tell this story He had to walk a distance you think he could here me or the geese to no what direc

tion to go?
well I just had to post this I have 2 KC both drakes they been together for 2 years now. Well I decided one had to go they were to hard on the girls. so I gave one with three of the girls to my neighbor he has a beautiful pond. So Saturday I went out and rounded them up no easy task. Drove them over there let them out they went right to the water never looked back. That late afternoon I went out to give every one there peas and had to do a double take that drake found his way home. I guess he is staying. the girls are still there. He missed his buddy. I have to go and tell my neighbor that I have the duck I have some eggs in the incubator I guess I will give him any males that hatch. I just had to tell this story He had to walk a distance you think he could here me or the geese to no what direc

tion to go?

Smart boy. Sometimes they just figure it out. Very handsome!
My three kc hens are still fairly a loof at a year old. One is a bit more stand offish than the other two. My two Rouens , love to be hand feed. They were not that way when small. Now they are " I want it out of your hand, not on the ground" girls. The kc still prefer treats on the ground . Getting a Drake and another duckling, end of April. Rouen Drake, and whatever they have left ducky. They will be a month younger than my new chick batch, but will work fine, as always in the past. Ducky's are fast bloomers.

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