The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

Today's warm fuzzy! After a failed attempt with her own eggs and putting in some from my khaki Campbell's we have duckling 1 of possible 3. She worked so hard. She was strutting around when I came out with dinner.
See that silly spot she built her nest it drives me crazy.
Yea babies!
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I absolutely LOVE my 12 KCs! They are just 4 weeks old, but so much fun to watch! We're new to this, so I do have a question. We have 6 full-grown Pekins 12 full-grown Australorp chickens and 13 5wk old Orpington chicks. When will the Campbells be big enough to put them in with the rest of the flock? I know they will be smaller than the Pekins, but I'm not sure how much smaller. I just don't want them to get picked on when we put them all together.
Last chick to hatch 3 days late. When out to feed mom found a beak a foot and ice cold but breathing. Now inside under heat I broke egg open he's now moving quite a bit and peeping real good. Something smelled foul and by his umbilical sight is white. I'm assuming infection. Any thoughts on how to help.
I got a Khaki form Craigslist a few days ago. She is 1 years old and laying. She actully gave me a egg this morning!
Does she look healthy? I also got a Buff, they are both in quarantine right now.
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Looks like Runt was busy the last few days! We found them in the ducks' kiddie pool. I think it's only a matter of time before the chickens lay too. Two of the ducks are not old enough, and we probably won't see anything until September. Anyway, yay, eggs!
So I got 5 KC hens about 5 weeks ago and they're all starting to quack, except one who its still rather squeaky in the noises she makes. She's the one on the right with the lighter bill in the photo. That caramel bill also has me concerned the test are still dark greyish. What do you guys think, is it possible that she is actually a he? Or am I just being paranoid?

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