The Lectro kennel brooder experiment thread

I'm a week in and I have no complaints. the chicks are warm and happy
They now range in age from 8-13 days old (I thought she was 15 but miscounted) and tonight I tipped the front two bricks up on their side and the back two are still flat but on a 1/2" piece of wood and a pillow case laid on top (which is actually the bottom because the top is facing down).
They shoot in and out and on top of with ease and speed LOL
I'm kicking my 3 week olds outside tomorrow and I set up a lectro-pad in a wooden frame for them. They can crawl in the front or there's a bigger exit in back. It's a pretty large pad, so I think they'll all fit under there should they want. I also have the repurposed covered litter box next to it if they just want to do a cuddle pile out of the wind.

Moved the littles to a larger pen today with perches and more room but they still have the lectro kennel pad which is on bricks laid on their narrow end. Here they are napping on top of the pad after running about. As soon as night came they all went to bed underneath it
4 Crested Cream legbar and 4 Barnevelder. Everyone is 2 weeks old except the really feathered Legbar with head under wing. She will be 3 weeks old on Monday

the oldest chick (Legbar pullet) is 3.5 weeks old, youngest chicks are not quite 3 weeks old

Oldest Legbar and all 4 Barnevelders are the same size, the Roo Legbar is the smallest and one pullet is not much bigger then him

The Legbar pullets have the most feathers. The Legbar Roo and the Barnevelders are still down in a lot of areas

They spend a lot of time out and about now. The Legbars can all fly up to the perches. Barnevelders want to but can't yet

Everyone naps on top of the pad, the two smallest Legbars are often under it in the day time when tired and if it is a very cold day (my house is drafty and cold -57-59) they all vanish underneath it for a nap

They all sleep under the pad still though sometimes all the Barnevelders sleep with their heads sticking out looks very funny
The only ones of my chicks who are using this set up during the day are the Silkies (which makes sense). They've spent several nights below freezing outside with it and had no issues. All of my 3-4 week old chicks are outside with it now to take advantage of the extra space since I have a lot of roos with this bunch.

Thanks so much for starting this thread! It allowed me to kick the chicks outside much earlier since I didn't have to worry about a fluffy heating pad getting wet.

Is the pad rigid plastic on both sides?
One thing I don't like about the human heating pad contraptions, can't tip it up for a quick looksee without having to darn near reassemble the thing.

Is the controller necessary?
Wonders if a dimmer extension cord would work too.

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