~The Legend of Rainea~ RP

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Rocky glared at the rooster, using his telekinesis to keep the orb out of the rooster's reach.
Rocky stood by, his claws unsheathed, ready to pounce at any second.
"What do you want?" Sylvia glared at the rooster, "The orb is ours."
The rooster pointed. "It belongs the the beheader. He likes shinny things, and we pay a lot of eggs to keep him from eating us. You'll make him mad, he's eat us all. Chop off out heads he will. That's his favorite shinny thing. He burries his favorite things cluck."
"It does not." Rocky growled. "It belonged to the guardians, before they were captured."
"It still does!" Sylvia shouted, "Now go away!"
"He'll take you down, I'll crow I will. You ask him first. Or I'll crow. I have to protect my flock! Have you no shame you fanged beast?"

(Its a bull coon and a badger... you wanna take the character? I don't want any more than the rooster :p Owl its your turn by the way)
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