~The Legend of Rainea~ RP

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"Apparently you're blind," Rocky growled at the badger (that's what it is, right?) "I'm a fox, Attollo's a wolf, and Sylvia's a raptor. Taking a rooster down would be child's play."
(I meant next door do you want me to be the coon?"
(I have no idea what's going on now
(I'm a rooster. The bull coon does the head chopping and hides the shinny thing, but he has to share his eggs with a badger. Poor chickens have it tough. The rooster just want to protect his flock.)

"He's a big badger and a big coon, they killed a dog last year cluck." You kill them I'll be happy, but unless you do that put the shinny thing back. I am not as gentle as I look, but I can't stop the beheader, his hands are to crafty." The rooster cocked his head sideways.
Rocky's eyes lightened, but he didn't look sympathetic. "We can do that, but there currently is a much bigger force trying to take over all of Rainea. That is our biggest concern right now." (I'll take them if you're sure you don't want them and iluvorps doesn't want them.)
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(Nah, I don't want them)

Attollo nodded , "You'll have to find another shiny thing, we have to save Rocky's mate and this orb is the only way we can." A few more rocks floated off the ground, getting closer to the rooster.
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