~The Legend of Rainea~ RP

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In the distance a flock of chickens were migrating to a warmer climate. (OMgoodness that is so corny lol)
(BTW, let's just say that only Rakada and Autumn were there with Sheila, I kinda had her whole team waiting in the cave when everyone went to it...

Sheila was in the cave enjoying a fish she caught when she heard the sound of running. She looked up and saw the rest of her team racing towards her, but she noticed Lexie wasn't with them.

"Where is Lexie?" Sheila asked the sussex chicken Willow cooly, her blue eyes searching the bird.

"They have her," Willow panted from running so fast. "She sacrificed herself for Kenny."

The snow leopard bowed his head in grief. "I shouldn't have left her..." He murmured.

Willow touched Kenny gently with her wing. "There was nothing you could have done, we were hugely outnumbered."

Sheila was silent, her were distant as she looked onto the horizon from where Willow, Kenny, and the rest of her team had come from. "Lexie is a brave and strong warrior, she will survive until we can rescue her."

"Will we continue with the mission then?" Kenny asked, perking up slightly.

Sheila looked back at Kenny, "yes, its what Lexie would want. Willow, inform the others."

Willow nodded and turned around, walking into the cave to give everyone the news of Lexie's capture.
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Willow cleared her throat to try and get everyone's attention.
Willow took a deep breath and shook her head. "They have her. She sacrificed herself to be caught so that the rest of the team could escape."
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