~The Legend of Rainea~ RP

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"Why can't you do it yourself?" Matt grumbled.

Natalya gave him a swat on the shoulder with her paw, "yes, we will, Suzie." She hooked a paw around Matt's leg and unfurled her wings. Matt had no choice but to follow, muttering to himself.
"Why can't you do it yourself?" Matt grumbled.

Natalya gave him a swat on the shoulder with her paw, "yes, we will, Suzie." She hooked a paw around Matt's leg and unfurled her wings. Matt had no choice but to follow, muttering to himself.
Dede hopped around Fictus, studying him. More vines wrapped around him, growing over his back, wings, and shoulders.
"Shut up!" Krystal snapped.

Sandy looked at the real Attollo, "how's Senkah? Is she alright?"
"What do you mean...he was lying, right?"

Cael thought about the vision of blood, feathers, and fur when he looked into Fictus' mind, "Maybe not completely..."
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