~The Legend of Rainea~ RP

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"Um, what?" Alektyra glanced at him, "You see....something! Gah! Call the crazy police!"
She froze, Why did I say that?!!!

A gust of wind rustled the trees. Some leaves blew away from where the sound had come from, revealing...nothing.
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'You want proof? Then look at this!" He held up his foreleg, on which a mark had been made. "This is the mark of a Sky Guardians. You know it, don`t you? Shade has it, Glacius has it, all of us has it!"

(Sky Guardian Mark)
"Put her in that hole," Thunder pointed with his nose to a small hole, "I want you to barricade 3/4 of the sides so she can't get out. I know she's going to try something stupid, but if you do that her attempts are useless."

"Yes, my lord," Ebony said as she formed the dirt around the hole. After it was solid she placed Luna inside.

"Let me go!" She cried.

"Shut up and go to sleep," Ebony growled, stalking back inside Gajou. Fire Magic, Arabian Knight's second in command, lay beside the burrow to watch and make sure Luna didn't escape. Crawling to the farthest reach of the burrow, Luna curled up, whimpering.
The next morning, Ebony came and dragged Luna out of the burrow. "Today we start your training," she said. Luna nodded hesitantly as Ebony got in an attack stance. Suddenly, Ebony lunge for her, doing fake attacks and giving Luna little time to react. Luna was hit almost every single time at first, but eventually caught on and dodged Ebony's attacks. Ebony continued doing this until Luna had the attack and defense sequences in her head. Ebony got up and hunted a fat, meaty rabbit and gave it to Luna. "Here," she said, "you earned it."

Luna smiled slightly. She had been living at Thunder's base for a week now, and had come to terms that no one was coming to save her. They probably don't even care, she thought, sighing. But honestly, she was starting to like it here. They treated her well. At least I get to have a little fun. Back at the litter mom would yell at me for trying to play with Kuro.
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