~The Legend of Rainea~ RP

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'You want proof? Then look at this!" He held up his foreleg, on which a mark had been made. "This is the mark of a Sky Guardians. You know it, don`t you? Shade has it, Glacius has it, all of us has it!"

(Sky Guardian Mark)
"Riiiiight," Alektyra said, "What's you power 'oh high sky guardain'"
"What is it now, Buruge," Ebony growled as the dog came in.

"I've spotted intruders in Futago Pass," he panted.

Ebony sighed in exasperation, "fine. Get Arabian Knight, we're going into battle." Buruge nodded and ran out. Ebony smirked as she went to round up her soldiers, Thunder gave me Senkah's power last night. Can't wait to try it on these rebels.
Ebony and Thunder silently padded down a tunnel deep in the ground. "Hurry," Thunder hissed. They came upon a small puddle of water, and they began to drink...
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"No! Stay! Thunder has the Soul Dew, and with it he will live forever! Come on!" He unsheathed his claws. " Come on. We will hide nearby But if they catch us, we will fight, you understand?"
Unbeknownst to Ganzfeld, Ebony and Thunder remained in the deep, dark tunnel, holding 5 of the magic objects. The soul dew, a mind gem, the onyx flame, the silverstone, and a hagsfiend's feather. The only thing they needed now was the ember.

"Are you sure?" Ebony hissed, "don't we need all 6 of the magic objects?"

"No," Thunder's soft chuckles echoed throughout the tunnel. "The silverstone is the strongest of them besides the ember. That alone will give us the energy we need to become what we truly are." Ebony knew that he was speaking of them becoming vyrrwolves.
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