~The Legend of Rainea~ RP

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Alektyra ignored him and bolted into the woods, "Noeta! Rose! Incendia! Someone?!"

Noeta paused, her wings unfurled, "Was that..."
"Don't tell me the chatterbox got in trouble again," Rose gulped.
Ganzfeld pelted after her, and stopped when he heard voices. Slowly, he crept upon them, until he was close enough to hear. it sounded like they were talking about Alektra. He burst out when he heard "Sky Guardians". He stepped up to Incendia "Where are they?"
"No, I`m not. And I know you are the remeanents of the Rainean Army. I am Chancellor Ganzfeld, of the Sky Guardians. Where are they? Imprisoned, I know, but in what part of the palace? Tell me. I need to know."
Incendia let out a low sound that would have been a growl to another animal, "You expect us to know that? You think we would even bother with the stupid idea of--"
"Incendia, he obviously doesn't know about that," Neptune kicked her.
"Well, If we listened to Noeta..."
Hades, Noctus, Charon, Nyra, and Jerome slunk into Thunder's base, going unnoticed as they tried to blend in with one of the platoons. Luckily, it was Ebony's, and they were allowed into the cells holding the Sky Guardians.

"Shade? Glacius?" Hades hissed, his green eyes glowing in the darkness.
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