~The Legend of Rainea~ RP

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Alektyra looked at Rose, "Where's Calliope?"
"She left, she might be looking for you!" Noeta exclaimed.
"Thunder's going to attack, I think!"
"What?!" Rose jumped up, "Where is everyone?"
"I don't know, Incendia's probably still talking to Neptune, um, Favonius was right by the cave, and Attollo...erm, Attollo..."
"Who cares?! Get our team! GO! GO!"
"I'm Hades. We're some of Senkah's old team, we're here to get you out." Nyra came in, blending in with the darkness. The only thing that could be seen was her pair of fire claws, and with them she easily cut the cords binding Glacius and the others.
"Why are you waiting?! I may be 6000 years old, but I have the body of a dragon in its prime. I will fight. Will you join me? Or will you run?"
"First of all," Incendia snapped, "We ARE helping Alektyra, but we are NOT helping you until we see a shred of evidence which, so far, you have not provided."

Neptune looked back at the phoenix, "Go find Calliope, it shouldn't be hard. I'll get Favonius, Noeta, Rose and Cae-- and that's all."
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