The Lighting Frenzy


Thanks HopKat for my PFM ♥
Feb 22, 2022
Berkshire, England
I have used artificial lighting for a while with my quail as their shed doesn't get much sunlight until right in the middle of summer. I now do the same for my silkies.

When the lights go off for my quail they're pretty chill, occasionally a crow but not much. The silkies go MAD! It lasts about 10 minutes or so but they are plunged into complete darkness. Unfortunately I only have one plug for the coop so I only have their one set of lights (they are strong lights), so cannot use another set of low brightness or something like that..

What's my best option here? Do I leave the lights always on but provide them good places to sleep which are dark so when they're tired they can go there? (I feel this would disrupt their day/night cycle too much maybe?) Or take the lights out? Please help! Thank you BYC.
If you have the lights go off an hour before dusk they will get the naturally slower decrease to darkness.

Well...I suppose that won't work unless there are windows to allow some natural light into the coop.
I have used lights before to keep my girls laying during the winter. I had 2 timers, both plugged into one extension cord, and used clear LED Christmas lights that went around the walls inside the coop.

I had them both set to turn on at the same time, but turn off at different times so that they wouldn’t be plunged into darkness. The brighter set would shut off about 45 minutes before the other set. With all the lights on, it was bright enough that they would just peck around having fun in the coop. When the bright set shut off, it was about as light in the coop as it would be at dusk without the lights. That was enough of a transition for them to realize it was time to get on the roost for the night, with plenty of time for settling in.

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