The Middle Tennessee Thread

Brown chicka- I am in Murfreesboro, but Holly just PMed me dibs on the bigger blue. I have another blue that is about 4 weeks old. Would you like that one? According to the genetics gurus it should be a girl as well. PM me if you would like the tiny baby.
Raven - Don't worry about it. It's ok. I'll have plenty when these eggs hatch.

CityGirl - Yes, he's getting super excited. Just about everyday he asks to go see the "mommy chicken". It's going to be an exciting weekend. With this being my first hatch, I'm a little nervous about mishaps but I'm a big believer in the hen knows best. I've tried to stay out of the way and let her do her thing. So far, so good.
I do Emma. I have some that are anout 6 weeks old. Their gender is still iffy though.

Would you be interested in my grown flock? Blue rooster, three black hens and a blue hen. Ages range from about a year up to 2 years or so. I've been pondering selling that flock if I could find the right home.
City Girl,
I am just starting out and I have chicks that are about a month old. 1 black, 1 blue, and 2 lav. I would love to get some chicks but I think I will have to pass on grown birds. DH can ignore the chick number but starts to complain about "big" birds.

Okay just tell me how much you want for chicks ... and the adult flock. I am so easily swayed and chicken enabled. Sigh
CityGirl....I would love her but you are sooo far away for me...bout a 2+ hour drive each way and couldnt justify that long a trip for one lil beauty of a chic....sigh....still havent gotten my husband on the chicken kick either and only way would be for him to get me mad at him about something and then he try to kiss behind to make things up to me, which rarely happens......hmmmm...
The chicken God took another beloved friend.We lost Big yesterday-a combination of age heat and his beating from that Sam character..1 by itself was ok but all together was more than he could take this time and Ethan found his best friend..not a good sight.
Brown Chicka I'll trade your drive times...Burgess has a roo that would replace Big in quality..he lives minutes from DC and is in a no ship area..that's a 618 mile one way drive for a rooster
4 tanks of gas a motel and meals and I haven't ruled this trip out yet. He's super nice though and looking to see if he can find me one as nice or nearly just a wee bit closer to home.

Now for more fun...H1N1 is still plaguing my house it's horrible so today while I was in the car Megs head started pounding..gave her something for it and just before we got to my drive way it and everything else left her stomach...inside my I'm taking applications for car cleaner at this time
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