The Middle Tennessee Thread


Very best of luck to you!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very best of luck to you!

Ditto...and I know just how you feel!

Question for all the silkie lovers/experts : Splash, black, white, which 2 are the best options for the most color variety in offspring? I am getting 2 pair of silkies this afternoon/evening and need to know soon so any input is greatly appreciated!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!

Thank you! I'm glad someone can relate as I'm so excited yet still freaking out a bit lol!
If they are dominant white all chicks will hatch white no matter what if they are recessive then it depends on what color they are hiding in there.When you cross colors your crossing up genetics which can be fine in a fun flock but not so much fun if your more serious about your breeding.
CityGirl- I didn't see a response...did I miss it?

Nope. You didn't miss it. I just got busy and haven't had a chance to do it. I got some pictures of the adult flock last night, but it was dark and they didn't turn out. I was planning on getting more today, but it is storming out there right now. Hopefully I can get pictures to you soon. PM on the way.
Hi all. Hope everyone is doing good and those preparing for a hatch keep us updated!!

I've noticed a lot of talk about ventilation on the other sections. What do you all think about that in our area? I'm concerned that I don't have enough. I have a window, and of course the chicken door. There are a few small gap covered with wire where the walls meet the roof, but nothing major. Do I need to add more??
I put a coop up besides one of my barns. So I have thee sides all chicken wire. All facing west..It seems I get alot of ventalation. Today I let my older pullets out for the first time. They loved it, but still were eager to get back in.
while they were out the younger ones had a great time in the pen. Special props out to city girl for getting me started.She is great and a real pleasure to be around. I hope to make to next meet up to meet all the mtcrowd here.

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