The Middle Tennessee Thread

Best of luck, where are you looking?

We've got a search radius of about an hour from Nashville (the top of the circle's cut off by the Kentucky border, of course). I've just done some culling of my list on, so now we only have 22 properties to narrow down from:gigAnd we just got approved for a USDA loan, or we can go with the-friend-who-is-moving-with-us's VA loan. We could even go conventional if we want, since we'll have money for a down payment once this house closes on Friday.
Best of luck:fl This is a painful process...
Especially as we have 3 adults that need to agree:gig And a 15-year-old and a 9-year-old as well. Gonna hook the laptop up to the TV for a nice big screen to look at for further narrowing, though 22 places in 2 weeks isn't horrible. We've got a cluster around Clarksville, a few down by @Ravynscroft , and an arc on the eastern edge of our search area.

Oo, if I post the counties, could anyone tell me if there are nasty surprises re:poultry not actually allowed? I'm just thinking chickens and call ducks for now (though my husband is pointing out that he does not want to be tied down too much by livestock...)
If you’re looking in the northern area near Clarksville, I would suggest Robertson county. It’s mostly a rural agricultural area with lots of livestock and farms.

If you are going to have to go into Nashville often (work, etc.), I would not go south or east of the city. The traffic is horrendous from those areas - well, the traffic is not great anywhere around Nashville but especially those areas.

When I first moved to TN, we spent 2 Year’s in the Smyrna/Murfreesboro area. As soon as our lease was done, we bought in the complete opposite direction - North/Northwest of the city. I’m in the country between Springfield and Clarksville.
Well when we came shopping, we only had a week. Had 20 or so places on our list, but ended up looking at 50 or so... But we had lots of experience doing this sort of things from our military time....
Not middle TN. I am in Hancock Cnty; northeast TN. I'm looking for anyone who has peachicks or pheasant chicks to sell. I have one lonely peachick yelling its head off and I'm finding nothing local on farm pages, etc.

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