The Middle Tennessee Thread

Any body know where I might purchase a pair of Marans in the Houston Texas area? also I bought the DE at tractor supply do I mix this with ash from my fireplace or BBQ pit and let the birs dust in iy??
Thanks for any info
Have a great and blessed day
Sam Royall in Conroe Tx

You might want to find the Texas Thread so you can find some Marans in your area.

As for the DE and Ashes they are added to the dust bath. They are only a part of the mix. Not sure of the mix exactly, but Dirt and Sand and Ashes and DE are the main componets, and kinda in that order I would think. You can find a RECIPE on BYC for a dust bath.

I checked your eggs quickly and the CCL are looking really good this time. I think there might have been 1 or 2 clear. The SFH are looking good too but might have had one or 2 more clears. I will double check them tomorrow when I check the whole tray. I put them in on the 10th, I had to wait on some shipped eggs before I could set them and my turner had gone out and we were moving eggs all over to work on it.... so I just waited a few days to set them.

Yea! Thanks, Donna. We had a death in the family, and I've been in Georgia for the past few days. My husband tells me that he's collected a bunch of SFH and CLB eggs since I've been gone. So I guess I can start selling them again. My favorite broody hen has just gone broody again. So I may put some CLB eggs under her if she's still broody when I get home. Thanks again, Donna!
My son's Lab dog killed on of my Coral Blue Guinea today
He may have put the nail in his coffin so to speak. My son was not happy with him anyway, and this may have been the last straw. I know my neighbor will shoot him if he goes after her animals (chickens and guinea and goats) but she has GLD so he might not try anything over there. My hubby said he would shoot him if he did it again. I TOLD MY HUBBY NOT TO LET THEM OUT. I have (had) 2 that were younger and had not really blended into the flock so I want to keep them penned up together for a little while. They will stay in for a week now.... that 1 younger guinea will be a sitting duck if it does not stay with the main flock.
My son's Lab dog killed on of my Coral Blue Guinea today

Sorry to hear. We have lost 5 since late last year due to the dog. It's not so much that our dog goes after them to purposely kill them to chew, but the dog wants to play too hard with them. We have since placed dog runs on the farm away from the chicken penned yards.
Quote: If he does not get rid of him, maybe I will get one of those electric dog collars to keep them on his 5 acres LOL I really think he was after a kill... he eat the WHOLE THING. He was on the last wing and really going at it when we pulled up..... one upper wing and entrails was all that was left.
Anybody with experience with Golden Lakenvelders.....I've ordered one and have since heard they are hard to keep in a run and not very friendly...I want a happy flock.

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