The Middle Tennessee Thread

The sirens were just going off here in Savannah. I wish it would just pass. Don't want to wake kids and baby up at midnight and drag them to the basement.

I hate it when they come through at night. We had to do that a few weeks back. Still glad I did. It was scary.
That looks like the chick I hatched today... .what color is that?  Very Pretty BTW.  HardinPoultry.... it was from an egg you said is a Paint... but didn't look like what you described... I could have put another egg in there by mistake.  I was just tossing them in baskets that available spots.

That is a grey with red leakage... Paint can throw almost ANYTHING because the white/black covers all the other genes. Never had a partridge out of there but you never know.
Is paint like Lavender and needs 2 copies to express?  Is it split for paint?  It is very pretty.

Paint is kinda weird... It is breeding black and white together and you get paint where the pigment of black shows through in "holes". But paint can also hide if you breed black and black from a paint breeding... It's weird, lol
Hiya All - I was wondering if someone could recommend a Pygmy goat or Nigerian Dwarf goat breeder in the area. Lori - I know you have Nubians - do you happen to know anyone around with Pygmy/Dwarf goats? Finally talked the hubby into a couple dairy goats - we were recently offered some mini-Saanens (for free), but one tested positive for CAE (and we'd much rather pay for healthy goats than risk the whole CAE thang). Any thoughts? Thanks y'all!
I have been lurking for a few months. Just moved here to TN from CO in March. I've gotten a few chicks from HardinPoultry Silkies and Buff Orps. Also, some Salmon Favorolles, Buff orps from Cackle hatchery.....waiting for HardinPoultry to get their Amerucanas so I can get some of those too! Always had Amerucanas in CO, bought them from a local breeder and never tried any other breed, so I am having fun adding different chicken breeds.

This is "Dolly" our hen turned roo :) He loves baths, the hair dryer and hanging out with the kids. Often times he ends up in the house

Hi! Your Dolly roo is actually a Calico Silkie. You can see more like him here:
This is one of the Banty Chicks i bought a few weeks ago and trying to figure out what she is.She is 5 weeks old now.

Hi! You have yourself a Mille Fluer d'Uccle. It's looking like a boy

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