The Middle Tennessee Thread

It does have a roost. Half the time he uses it and the other he just snuggles up in a corner.
Should I be looking for some ladies around his same age or does that not matter? I also wanted some high productivity hens, light Sussex or something, would that mix well with a cochin silkie? I read that they are pretty docile.

I would say somewhere near his age, it should help some with the insuing squabble. I'm not familiar with the light Sussex breed. Maybe someone else here can help you. Best of luck.

I'm not going to keep Blue Copperr Marans any longer I have 2 Pullets 2 hens and one Rooster. I'm not much with a camera as you can see so you know the pictures are all of the same birds. Bought all from Raven1. PM if interested
you have the same nesting boxes has we have...we love them!!
Donna or Becky,
Which one of ya'll were wanting showgirls? I have some due to hatch soon and I only got these eggs for the silkies. Of course I am NOT counting my chicks before they hatch but planning contingencies should any of those ugly mutant ostriches make their appearance.
Was that your best sales pitch?

IT WAS NOT ME! Silkies are MY LIMIT. I get enough MUTANT chickens without intentionally buying some.
Hey ya'll, I am 2 days away from lock down on some eggs, and today my wife found one that I cracked pretty bad in the air cell. It's a round indentation larger than a pencil eraser but smaller than a dime. I candled it and it looks totally normal, just has a pretty dang decent sized dent in the fat end.
If the "real membrane" is on the bottom of that, do you think that hole in the empty end would hurt anything? It seems to me the only difference is the air the chick will draw when it pips internally.
I think it's okay, but I am really looking for some body on here to validate it for me.
Hey ya'll, I am 2 days away from lock down on some eggs, and today my wife found one that I cracked pretty bad in the air cell. It's a round indentation larger than a pencil eraser but smaller than a dime. I candled it and it looks totally normal, just has a pretty dang decent sized dent in the fat end.
If the "real membrane" is on the bottom of that, do you think that hole in the empty end would hurt anything? It seems to me the only difference is the air the chick will draw when it pips internally.
I think it's okay, but I am really looking for some body on here to validate it for me.

You could put some PLAIN Wax on it if you want to make sure. I would think if it has not caused a problem yet it will not. Surgical tape is an option too.

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