The Middle Tennessee Thread

Hey y'all - quick newbie question: I think my Jersey Giant, Mica, has gone broody...but I want to verify b/c she also has a leg issue (want to make sure it isn't the old leg just acting up). She's been hanging in the nest box except when I let them out to free-range...then when her crop is full, she goes BACK to the tractor and "whines" (best way I can describe it) until I put her back in (so she can get back to the nest box). She's also been getting more aggressive with the other hens (although I guess this could be due to pain since the leg is acting up), and "puffing up" a lot (dropping her wings forward, and fluffing out the feathers at her neck/check). Still bright-eyed...and doesn't seem to be losing any she just broody?
Hey y'all - quick newbie question: I think my Jersey Giant, Mica, has gone broody...but I want to verify b/c she also has a leg issue (want to make sure it isn't the old leg just acting up). She's been hanging in the nest box except when I let them out to free-range...then when her crop is full, she goes BACK to the tractor and "whines" (best way I can describe it) until I put her back in (so she can get back to the nest box). She's also been getting more aggressive with the other hens (although I guess this could be due to pain since the leg is acting up), and "puffing up" a lot (dropping her wings forward, and fluffing out the feathers at her neck/check). Still bright-eyed...and doesn't seem to be losing any she just broody?
Try giving her some eggs in a spot away from the other hens. If she will tolerate a move, then she'd be a decent broody. Sometimes it takes a few tries.
Yes 16 cockerels out of 18 chicks that's not bad right. 

Quick, hatch some more! The odds have to even back out, right? ;-)

I have had hatches like that. Last year i had like 8 roos to 1-2 pullets and the next was the opposit. I just jatched some sexlinks...i got 10 pullets and only 4 roos. That never happens. Ususally they are pretty even numbered.

Busy day tomorrow.....lots of people coming to get lets just hope they all show up..........please show up......pretty please!!!!!!
Hey y'all - quick newbie question: I think my Jersey Giant, Mica, has gone broody...but I want to verify b/c she also has a leg issue (want to make sure it isn't the old leg just acting up). She's been hanging in the nest box except when I let them out to free-range...then when her crop is full, she goes BACK to the tractor and "whines" (best way I can describe it) until I put her back in (so she can get back to the nest box). She's also been getting more aggressive with the other hens (although I guess this could be due to pain since the leg is acting up), and "puffing up" a lot (dropping her wings forward, and fluffing out the feathers at her neck/check). Still bright-eyed...and doesn't seem to be losing any she just broody?
That sounds like a broody. Mad at the world. Always fluffy, soft growling clucks when you touch her. A good broody only leaves the nest once a day. To eat fast, drink and leave a huge stinky present! And if any other chickens get in her way feathers fly. A good test for that would be to put her in a cage or pen all hers. Give her golf balls and see if she sits tight for 2 days. If after 2 days she still wants to kill you over the golf balls add a few eggs. Take away the balls. I wouldn't add any eggs you don't want to lose. Think of them as bonus chicks. If they make it great but don't count on the first batch to be great. My BO was a super mom from the start. My BCM she killed her first 2 batches on hatch day leaving only 1 baby each time. The 3rd time she hatched 9 out of 12. They are 9 days old now running around the yard. But she is down to 5 chicks. The hawk has been busy. She mostly sticks to the bushes now. A harsh learning curve. But I just put random eggs under her. Thinking psycho mammie would kill them anyway.

I use a converted rabbit hutch for my broodies. It has 2 nest boxes on the back and a removable divider in the center. That way I can use it just for baby grow outs or 2 moms with chicks.

The inside mini run with nest box on the back

The hutch is inside a 10'x20' dog run. It has chicken wire around the bottom and bird netting across the top. The teens spend the day in there. I have to corral them with plywood in the mornings from the big coop. At dusk they are ready to run to the main coop.

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