The Mix and Matches Breeding Project Thread

my ideal in the mixed sultan project is a bird who looks like a sultan, is larger, hardier, lays more often, goes broody and is colored :) They must have the sultan temperament, be docile and make great pets. And they have to have ALL their toenails.

@BantyChooks I did not realize you had a thread about your project! subscribed. Are you using standard sultans and EE? What's BA and WR?

My accidental d'uccle sultan mixes are super hardy. sort of explains why I have tons of them and less pures running around the yard. The pure chicks have to be very hardy to survive here since I do nothing much other than a light on very cold nights. Makes my future breeding stock the hardiest of sultans, means I have less chicks to sell locally though.

@Jayzandra I would be tempted to work on several different lines at the same time if space allows. If you work on the skull vaults first and then have to add a cochin or Amerucana back, there goes all that hard work on vaults or whatever else you were working on. But then again I have never been accused of doing anything in moderation. Full speed ahead and darned the consequences! :)

I have an EE x Sultan project I've been working on a bit. So far I have two birds from the cross, and am pretty happy with them as a start. Too lazy to copy pics and details over, so I'll just give the link to the thread I have up. :lol:

I am thinking to cross Sunshine over with a better layer/hardier breed to get better health and good feathers. Might not get blue eggs from that cross, but I'll be happy if I can just get a BA or WR with a bit more "foof." Still would keep a straight EE/sultan line, but I would like to compare health of the two lines before narrowing in on the traits I want to cement. Pretty birds ain't no use if they're always sick.

Thank you. I'll check it out.
Got some pics today...

This is one of the Sultan hens

A couple of the EEs. Can you tell which is the rooster's favorite? LOL

The Sultan rooster. I gave him a haircut so he could see. LOL

A group photo of some of the flock. You can see the Lavender Ameraucan cockerel on the left.

Another EE

Here's 2 EE's, the Polish, and the rooster. The Brahma photo bombed. Haha
Dark Brahma? I love their feather pattern and have thought about adding one to my flock just for it. But I sorta like brahmas :) I like the newest colors of them like buff lace, dark, and blue gold partridge. Would love the BG partridge on a sultan.
I'm unhappy with the size of the mixes. It was accidental to begin with and I had planned on eventually using standard sized chickens of a different variety. I have since got hold of standard cochin chicks and will be growing those out to use with the sultans(rooster). I'm also planning to get hold of different bloodlines for my sultans. I have a toenail issue that is driving me insane with them. It seems to be a recessive gene but since my first rooster had it all of my "good" hens now have the recessive form and are throwing it.

The d'uccle mixes have not shown it yet. I may see it soon though since my current sultan rooster is missing one nail. The mixed roosters are fine but are really ugly chickens. They have a strange comb shape that is not a straight normal comb nor yet a V comb like sultans.
So it is definitely a work in progress to get them to where they need to be.
But at least when it's finally working,it'll be worth the effort
My goal is a breed who lays extra large blue eggs, has feathered legs, a crest, beard and muffs, turquoise earlobe, black skin, silkie feathers, small pea comb, 5 toes, long tail,long legs, and bigger than jersey giants and Brahms. So far I have chicks who have white leghorn, jersey giant, ameraucana and buff orpington, chicks who have white leghorn, buff orpington, ameraucana and hatchery Cornish as well as some chicks who have white leghorn, jersey giant, and silverudd's blue formerly known as blue isbars

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