The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning folks :frow

Good to see you this afternoon Bob :frow Is your garden done for the year now?
Long gone...
Good morning all.
:frow Good morning DMC, have a great day
Good morning everyone 🦋
:frow Good morning Janie, have a great day
Thank you. 😊 Maybe it's because I'm getting older and I can appreciate it more, but I don't remember any of my kids being this much fun when they were his age. He's a hoot! :lol:
:frow Good morning Chrissy, have a great day
Good morning Chrissy, what a beautiful little guy you have there! Enjoy every minute ❤️
:frow Good morning Debby, have a great day
How are you?
Staying busy but doing good.
How are you Marie?
On my first project I had to cut a lot of tile pieces to fit (I have wheeled nippers to do that with). This second project didn't require any tile cutting, which is kind of tiny glass shards pinging around the place.
I can't wait to see. It looks fun but I'm sure placing pieces can get time consuming :p unless you like that kind of focus.
The girls dressed up and went out until about high school, we lived in a neighborhood where the houses that were far apart were no more than 30' between them. Many were 10' or less. When they stopped going out they would dress up and answer the door for the beggars, er, trick or treaters.

Whatever the girls were dressed as is how I carved the pumpkins. Of course that was easier before DD2 came along.
That's pretty cool. So if one was a ghost, you'd carve a ghost? How fun!

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