The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Hi everyone. Yesterday I ended up helping someone on here who had bought and picked up hatching eggs from a few different people, then 13 days in there was peeping coming from her incubator! The eggs from one person must've had a hen sitting on them before she took them home!

I know how you feel Debby. Both kids took forever to go to sleep last night, hubby woke me up at 3am, daughter was up at 4.15am getting a drink, I gave up on sleep at 4.45am.
:weeStaggered hatch time!
You can beat that fast, Cap!! It just won't feel like it's going away fast!!

Okay, I can tell you guys. I miss my chickens! Not getting any more, but boy, do I miss them. Right about now they'd be out in the yard digging in last year's yard detritus finding all kinds of goodies and basking in the sun. Chicks would be running in and out of their MHP cave and learning to be chickens. And I have to pick up eggs when I go to the store today. <sigh>
You can beat that fast, Cap!! It just won't feel like it's going away fast!!

Okay, I can tell you guys. I miss my chickens! Not getting any more, but boy, do I miss them. Right about now they'd be out in the yard digging in last year's yard detritus finding all kinds of goodies and basking in the sun. Chicks would be running in and out of their MHP cave and learning to be chickens. And I have to pick up eggs when I go to the store today. <sigh>

I have to be honest and say that as much as I miss them, I don't miss going out there to do chores when it's 20 below zero and the snow is over my boot tops. I don't miss not having a ton of flowers. I don't miss the sound of crowing at 2:00am. I don't miss settling in on the couch with my book for half an hour and glancing down only to see chicken poop on my pants leg - AND on the couch. And I don't miss the sometimes physical toll when my legs are having particularly bad issues or my CHF is making it hard to find any energy to even go out there. The guilt from those days I can do without.

Hey, I think I just talked myself out of it. I knew you guys could help!

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